

Why was Andrew Jackson so important as a president?

Updated: 10/23/2020
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12y ago

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Andrew Jackson was such an important because be brought government to the people and he knew how to have a good time.

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Q: Why was Andrew Jackson so important as a president?
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Was Andrew Jackson a war leader when he was president?

There were no wars while Jackson was President, so I would not call him a war leader.

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Were Andrew Jackson's parents alive when he became president?

Good question. Andrew Jackson's father, Andrew Jackson, died in 1767, a few months before Andrew was born. His mother died before his presidency, so in short, no.

Was Andrew Jackson elected president before or after Texas became a state?

Andrew Jackson was elected as the seventh president of the United States in 1829. Texas was annexed into the Union in 1845, so before.

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John C. Calhoun resigned as Andrew Jackson's Vice President on 1832 December 28, before Jackson's first term was over. At this time the 25th Amendment to the Constitution had not yet been passed, so there was no provision for replacing a Vice President.

What president was in office during Alamo fell?

The Battle of the Alamo occurred February 23, 1836 until March 6, 1836, so Andrew Jackson would have been president then. Andrew Jackson's term in office last from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837.

When did Andrew Jackson finished being president?

Andrew Jackson was President from 4 March 1829 until Martin Van Buren was sworn in on 4 March 1837, so he was President until the time on 4 March when Van Buren assumed office.

Who was the president of the US when the Battle of the Alamo happened?

Samuel Houston, although I believe he may have been elected before the Alamo. Today it is traditional in North America for a general to trade in his stars before running for president, but then not so much.

After impeachment did Andrew Jackson finish out his term?

Andrew Jackson was never impeached and he did indeed finish out his two terms. You may be thinking of Andrew Johnson who was impeached but not convicted and so remained President until his term expired.

Why was Andrew Jackson an important president?

How important do you think he is? He was an early two-term president who served the country when it was still in a formative state, not only in its boundaries but in its form of government. As such, he set precedents about what the President should do and played a major role in settling many of the important issues which made us what we are today. He lived in important times for the US.

Which president of US intoduced the kitchen cabinet system?

The so-called Kitchen Cabinet was not a system. It was a name given to the informal advisers of President Andrew Jackson by his critics. It was said that he relied on these adviser more than he did his official cabinet.

Which president's inaugural ball was reported to be so rowdy an affair that the new president was forced to escape the White House in secret?

Andrew Jackson