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The Battle of the Alamo occurred February 23, 1836 until March 6, 1836, so Andrew Jackson would have been president then. Andrew Jackson's term in office last from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837.

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Andrew Jackson.

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Q: What president was in office during Alamo fell?
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Who was the president in office when the Alamo fell?

Andrew Jackson was President of the United States from 1829-1837. The Alamo fell in 1836.

When did the Alamo fall?

The Alamo fell on February12,1836.

Who saved the Alamo?

No one. The Alamo fell to Santa Anna's army.

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How did the Alamo fall?

The Alamo fell because Santa Anna came earlier than they had expected

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Sam Houston wasn't at the Alamo when it fell to Santa Anna.

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William B. Travis. It was originally Davy Crocket but when he fell sick Travis became leader of the Alamo.

What was the Alamo made for?

The Alamo was a fort used by Texans during the Texan Revolution, it was formerly a Spanish Religious outpost which was later converted to a for which was used to withstand attacks from native tribes. The Battle of the Alamo though was to buy time. As the forces of the Mexican army led by President General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna gathered together to take Texas. The small garrison of soldiers at the Alamo were to hold off the Mexicans, as General Sam Houston rounded up his forces. Though the Alamo fell, Santa Anna was defeated at the battle of San Jacinto, led by General Sam Houston

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