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he was punished because he was on the opposing team of Zeus in the in the great war. instead of throwing atlas into tartaras, Zeus gave atlas the special punishment of holding the sky.

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Q: Why was the Greek god atlas punished by Zeus?
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How did the greek god zeus punished who disobeyed him?

Zeus punished people for disobeying him in a number of ways. He punished Io by turning her into a cow and punished Atlas by making him hold a giant bolder for eternity.

Who is greek god atlas?

Atlas is a greek Titan who holds the sky up for punishment by the mighty god Zeus.

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In Greek mythology he is named Atlas, however he was a Titan, not a god. He was punished by Zeus to hold up the sky because he and the Titans made war against the Olympians.

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Zeus is the ancient greek god of the sky, Atlas is the Titan who "carries the sky" or carries the weight of the world.

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From Zeus his grandparents are Rhea and Cronus. From Maia his grandparents are Atlas and Pleione.

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The gods in Greek Mythology were just legends. Such as Atlas the god that held the earth and sky, and Zeus the god of all gods.

Is Atlas a god?

Atlas is Greek, but he is not a god. He is a Titan.

What happen to the ancient greek people if they disobeyed this god hera?

they where punished. if it was Zeus, he would spear them with his thunder bolt.

Is atlas a roman or a Greek God?

Atlas was from greek mythology

What was greek god a atalas symbol?

Atlas was a Titan what was punished into carrying the whole sky above earth. The word atlas now means map, or earth, which he helped exist.

Who was the mythological god who held the world on his shoulders Zeus or atlas?

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Who are theGreek god Atlas's enemies?

In Greek mythology, Atlas was primarily known for his role in holding up the sky on his shoulders, a punishment given by Zeus. While he didn't have specific enemies in the traditional sense, he did conflict with various gods at different times, particularly in his involvement with the Titanomachy, a war between the Titans and Olympian gods.