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It's named after Steve Jobs' oldest daughter.

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To help programs run faster.

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Q: Why is the apple computer named Lisa?
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What computer was named after Steve Jobs' daughter?

The computer you are referring to is "Lisa". It was technically Apples third computer.

What is the apple Lisa computer known for?

The Apple Lisa was the first commercially available computer with a Graphical user Interface and using a mouse as control.

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What was the inspiration for the naming of the new apple computer Lisa?

Steve Jobs has stated that it was named after his daughter Lisa Nicole Brenner. Others have said it was an acronym for Local Integrated System Architecture.

What is the first apple computer to have a mouse?

No. Mice for computers didn't really catch on until the Apple Lisa came out in '83.

First computer with GUI and mouse?

Apple Lisa

Steve Jobs named one of his greatest professional flops after his daughter?

Apple Lisa computer was named after Jobs' daughter. The Lisa was launched in 1983 and featured many innovations that made it very expensive just under $9,995. By 1984 Apple was launching the Macintosh which provided better value for money and more popular. The Lisa was discontinued in 1986.

Who had a computer named after her?

Steve Jobs named a computer after his first daughter. Her name was Lisa.

When did the apple computer come out?

No, it was the 5th Apple computer. 1. Apple 1 2. Apple 2 3. Apple 3 4. Lisa 5. Macintosh

What was the name of the first computer made by Apple that had a graphical?


Where was the first apple computer named?

Apple 1.

Where did the name Lisa on Apple came from?

It was named after Steve Jobs' daughter, Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs.