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hiws father showed him the compass n that's when he realized that there must be something hidden behind everything

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Q: Why was the compass important to Einstein?
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What was albert Einstein's favorite thing?

his compass.

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When did Albert Einstein get his compass?

Albert Einstein got the compass when he was 4 or 5 years old while he was sick in bed. His father gave to him for something to play with

How did a compass influence albert Einstein?

it made him curious

What important event affected Albert Einstein and made him decide what to do as a career?

His father gave him a compass. He was really facinated by it so he would research it.

Who inspired Einstein?

When his dad gave him a compass when he was a little boy.

What inspired albert Einstein to do what he did?

Albert Einstein was inspired by a deep curiosity about the workings of the universe and a strong desire to understand the fundamental principles governing it. He was also motivated by a passion for advancing scientific knowledge and pushing the boundaries of existing theories. Additionally, a sense of wonder and awe at the mysteries of the natural world fueled his desire to explore and discover new truths.

What instrument did Albert Einstein's father give him when he was 5?

Albert Einstein's father gave him a violin when he was 5 years old. Einstein began taking violin lessons at a young age.

Why is the magnetic compass so important?

The magnetic compass is important for navigation because it provides a reliable way to determine direction, even when other technologies fail. It has been used for centuries by sailors, pilots, and hikers to find their way and can be crucial for safety in unfamiliar or remote locations.

What made albert Einstein like science?

His father showed him a compass and he wondered how it worked

What interested Einstein in being a sientist?

his dads compass when he was sick in bed at age 5

Why did Albert Einstein like science?

Einstein liked science because his dad gave him a compass and he wondered what made it point north and south and that motivated him to do what he did.