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Eve is characterized as a "chaos" agent because she was the first to disobey the authority of god. Ishtar in her anger threatens vengeance in the form of chaos by overturning the boundaries between the dead and the living. Then unleashes the bull of heaven which Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill with their swords.

Ishtar sends Shamhat to tempt Enkidu who taught him to become man-like from his original innocence and well-being by giving him sexual experience, which makes him god-like, but which sets him on the course that leads inevitably to his death. Eve tempting Adam with the forbidden fruit and the god-like knowledge leading to their expulsion out of the Garden of Eden which leads to mortality because of the lost access to the Tree of Life.

Ishtar is the goddess of love and fertility as well as the goddess of war and Eve is seen as the mother of all humanity.

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