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because the English owned small countries in Africa and the Germans tried to capture the territories

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Q: Why was there fighting in World War 2 in Africa?
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Where was the fighting at in World War 2?

Across Europe, Pacific Ocean, N. Africa

Where were the US troops fighting during World War 2?

Vietnam, North and South Korea. Northern Africa

Where did the war spread to in World War 2?

World War 2 was fought basically every where except Antarctica there was fighting in South America, Pacific islands, mainland Asia, North Africa, Madagascar, Europe.

What continents are the countries involved located on world war 2?

North America and Europe, Australia also Asia, that is why it was called a "World War". There was also some fighting in Africa.

Where were the four major areas of fighting in world war 2?

Africa (Blitz Creigh), Germany, and Russia are the ones i remember. Not sure about the forth. There was also major fighting in France

Three regions of the world bedsides Europe where the fighting was particulary intense World War 2?

Far East Asia, North and East Africa, and Russia

When did fighting start in world war 2?

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What were some of the Experiences of Australians as a result of being in World War 2?

- as troops in north Africa and Europe. - as airmen and seamen. - as soldiers fighting the Japanese. - as Japanese prisoners-of-war.

Where did Wold War 2 take place at?

World War 2 was the most widespread war in history, but the fighting was most heavy in Europe, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa, and East Asia.

Who was the us general who led attacks in north Africa then became a us president?

Dwight Eisenhower is the president who as a US general was involved with fighting in North Africa during World War 2.

Where did the US do the most fighting in World War 2?

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Was Scotland fighting in the world war 2?

Of course.