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The religious group was called puritan because they were supposed to be "pure." They had very strict rules about religion and did not let their people change religions. In a way, they were somewhat the exact opposite of Quakers. Puritans were sometimes flogged if they did something wrong.

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11y ago

Do not hold me to this, but it could spark the discussion you ask for...

I believe "Puritans" were a splinter (with the "Pilgrams") group from the mainstream Church of England. I think the Puritans sat tight in England, and what later became to be known as the "Pilgram" set settled across the channel in Flanders or somewhere similar, prior to undertaking a migration to America. (Hence, the common association of Pilgrims with the New World).

I am not sure if the Puritans and the Pilgrams wanted to expand on the Church of England philosophies or go back to an earlier time in the original Church.

"Puritans" in the context of my understanding has to do with either becoming more pure than the status quo of the mainstream Church of England or maybe wanting to return to older traditional philosophies after rejecting new or trending philosophies being initiated by the mainstream Church.

Cut me some slack if anyone knows this to be way off base. I am neither a religion or historical buff. Just recollecting.

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14y ago

The puritans were called puritans because of the root word "pure". They wanted to "purify" the church of England.

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