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The movement of the plates will not reassemble exactly what existed in the past, however it is highly probable that at some point in the future the continents will again merge into one large supercontinent. But it won't be identical to Pangaea.

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Q: Why will Pangaea never be replicated like it was in Triassic time?
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What animals lived on Pangaea?

Pangaea existed from the Permian, about 299 million years ago, through the Triassic, and into the early Jurassic.There were very different animals in Pangaea during the Permian than there were in the Triassic because, at the end of the Permian, about 90% of species became extinct in the worst mass extinction in Earth's history.PermianInsects in Pangaea included beetles, dragonflies, and flies. Early in the Permian, large amphibians and pelycosaur reptiles, like the carnivorous, sail backed Demitrodon, or the herbivorous, sail backed Edaphosaurus. Later in the Permian the archosaurs evolved, which later gave rise to the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and crocodillians. There were also therapsids, the reptillian ancestors of mammals. TriassicThe temnospndyli, which were large amphibians, and therapsids both survived the Permian extinction event. Archosaurs were the primary terrestrial vertebrates. There were herbivores such as Hyperodapedon, and carnivores like Postosuchus. The first dinosaurs were small meat eaters like Eoraptor, and small, long necked, herbivorous dinosaurs called prosauropods, evolved in Panagaea during the Triassic.

How is pangaea true?

Pangaea is true because the continents are like a puzzle if you solve it right you get Pangaea

What does a pangaea look like?

Go to google and search Pangaea

Where did pangaea come from?

Pangaea was like that when the earth was created by the BIG BANG

What was the world like in the Triassic period?

Hot and dry

What does the molecule look like after it is replicated?

it looks like cookies

What was the climate like in the trassic period?

think: rainforest/swamp In Triassic times, all of the earth's continents were joined together into a vast landmass called Pangaea. There were as yet no polar ice caps, and the climate was hot and dry, punctuated by violent monsoons.

What do people refer Pangaea to?

Pangaea is a "SUPPER CONTINENT" THIS WAS THE EARTH LIKE 250 MILLIONS years ago. Pangaea was separated, because all of the natural causes of the earth. :)

What did Pangaea look like when it split apart?

it looks like this.

What animals lived in pangaea?

there were several groups of creatures on Pangaea. but for going the insects there where 4 major groups amphibians, anapsids diapsids and therapsids. the amphibians where remnants from the coniforus still large but not dominante on land anymore. anapsids accounted for a good chunk of life on land at this time. therapsids or so called mamal like reptials (eventualy evolved into mamals) where very common but the ones you know about are the diapsids. thees included crocidiles lizards and dinosaurs.

What would Sacramento look like on Pangaea?


Did Pangaea ever really exist?

Nobody really knows if Pangaea really existed. People believe it did because if you shift the continents, it looks like it could make Pangaea. There are many other reasons, but that is the most common.