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Because he has had enough women in his past that have dumped him for his narcissistic traits. Narcissists ego-trip, feel those around them are inferior to him and the only right way is their way. Narcissists are very difficult to live with, so if you aren't too into this relationship I suggest you run! He warned you!

They are not humanA narcissist is acutely aware he is different from other human beings. Because he lacks feelings that others possess. He would see himself as superior, and thus manipulates others human feelings to his advantage. Quite a talent to accomoplish since the N has no feelings of his own, albiet just variations on the two emotions he is capable, fear and rage.

They will say things like "I am... unique, special", etc., or even claim to be an alien from a different planet, literally. I prefer to refer to them as Vampires because they are not human, feed on others and are a pain in the neck. (LOL!) ....another eerie analogy is vampires cannot see their own reflection in the mirror. As if the narcissist has no true self of his own to see who he really is when he gazes in the mirror.

In any case when he tels you that he is different take heed it is a warning. RUNNNNNN!

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Q: Why would a narcissist tell you from the very start of meeting him that he was different?
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