

Why would soda make a coin rust faster than orange juice?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Both soda and Orange Juice are acidic, but the carbination in most sodas make it more acidic than the mildly-acidic citric acid in orange juice.

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Q: Why would soda make a coin rust faster than orange juice?
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What makes Orange Juice clean a coin?

Its acidic nature,lol!!

Which juice cleans a penny better apple or orange juice?

Generally the juice which is the most acidic would clean coins better.Lime juice is about as acidic as you'll find in a home kitchen. It has a pH of about 1.80 to 2.35 . Lemon Juice is also very acidic (2.00 to 2.60).However, there's a standard caution about trying to clean coins. If a coin has ANY collector value, home cleaning will do enough damage to the coin's surface that it will be worth less than if it had been left alone.If you have common circulation coins that are only worth face value, feel free to play around with different cleaners. But remember that if you get an old silver coin, or something like a 1909-S cent, even common household chemicals will affect the coin's surface and do a real number on its sale price.

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perhaps many drops of juices ca also clean an old fashioned penny or dirty coin

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Please post a new question with the spelling corrected, so that it can be found in a search. DOES, not "dose" AFFECT, not "efect" MUCH, not "mouch"

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What thing can make coin clean?

lemon juice will clean a coin great. But don't use it if the coin is valuable or collectible, that will lower the value. hope this helps. Brian

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In saltwater. In saltwater.

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Copper slowly reacts with air to form copper oxide. If you have a copper penny and see dark "dirty" patches on it, this is copper oxide. Citric acid, found in some fruit juices, will dissolve copper oxide, which is why coin collectors wash copper coins in lemon juice.

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