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Definitely not recommended; use an antibiotic like penicillin or amoxisilin

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Q: Will a bleach bath help get rid a staph infection?
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Related questions

What is a staph infection photo?

A Staph infection photo is a photograph of a staphylococcus infection somewhere. This sort of photo would be available in good medical text books to help train doctors.

Can cleaning the nose help after using staph infection medication?


Should hydrogen peroxide be used on a staph infection?

Hyrdrogen peroxide can be used to kill harmful bacteria. While there may be better options for treatment of a staph infection, hydrogen peroxide will not cause harm to a staph infection and could help aid in killing off harmful bacteria.

Can staph infection be cured?

Staph infections can be cured. If you have one, it is IMPERATIVE that you must see your doctor as soon as you can to get medical treatment. Because staph eats away at your body, you never want to wait too long before getting help. The process of curing one is not fun at all, and extremely painful. Depending on the size and severity of your staph infection will determine the actions your doctor will take in curing it. In most cases, this is how a staph infection will be cured. The doctor will try to drain the staph infection. If it is too painful to be drained, they will numb the area being worked on. They will drain the infection out completely. They will irrigate the area with water to clean the area. The infection will be packed with gauze and bandaged up. You will get a shot to relieve pain. You will be prescribed with medications to help with pain. Hopefully, your staph infection will be gotten rid of. These can NOT be cured on your own, and it is EXTREMELY important to see your doctor, because if you wait too long, it will eat away your body. That is how a staph infection can be cured.

Serious infection on your balls help?

Bleach is good for balls. Then rinse.

Does staph infection settle in a bone What does having a staph infection in the bone mean?

It is called Ostiomielitis. It can cause dead bone to develop. Dead bone is very fragile and only fully healed with children. the White Blood Cells fighting the Staph also can't help eating the good bacteria and bits of bone.

Will Epsom salt help a yeast infection?

Yes. Soaking in a bath of Epsom salts three times a week will help reduce the itching and burning from a yeast infection.

What is a good way to get rid of a staff infection?

For minor staph infections use gauze soaked in vinegar or rubbing alcohol. However, staph infections can spread and are contagious. Best bet is to go to a doctor and seek professional help.

What will get rid of a deep seated vaginal fungal infection?

If you actually take a bath in your own urine it will help the infection. Heard it from a doctor  hope it helps

Can you get staph infection?

You need to see a doctor and get an antibiotic. Hand washing, change the dressing if it's a wound (ask the doctor HOW and what you should use), just use common sense good hygiene to help the staph resolve. But an antibiotic is your first necessity.

Where can you see photos of staph infection?

See the related link for pictures of staph infections.It's spelled staph, short for staphylococcus. A Google image search will show you plenty, however not if you spell it wrong.

How can you get staph infections?

You need to see a doctor and get an antibiotic. Hand washing, change the dressing if it's a wound (ask the doctor HOW and what you should use), just use common sense good hygiene to help the staph resolve. But an antibiotic is your first necessity.