

Will a girl with cervical cancer give a guy genital warts?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Only if she is infected with the virus can you catch genital warts.

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Q: Will a girl with cervical cancer give a guy genital warts?
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Can you get cervical cancer from girl on girl contact?

There is a link between a specific virus and Cervical cancer being more likely. However girl on girl will not make you more likely to get cervical cancer, otherwise there would be a huge number of lesbians worldwide with cervical cancer.

Who can get the HPV vaccine and what does it do?

The approved age range currently is from 9-26. It is recommended that girl receive it between the ages of 12-18, but older women can get it, too.The vaccines provide protection against HPV, different strains of which can cause both genital warts and cervical (and other genital) cancers.Gardasil is also approved for male for the prevention of genital warts. Gardasil has 4 strains of HPV, 2 of which are common cause of genital warts. The Cervarix is only for women because it has only 2 strains (same one as in Gardasil) that commonly seen in cervical cancer.It is thought the protection against HPV will be life long, but the vaccine has not been around long enough for studies to prove this.

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What causes cervical cancers?

Most cervical cancer cases are apparently caused by strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection. You can limit your chances of getting HPV through having fewer sexual partners, and fewer partners who have had many other partners. Starting having sex later in life also limits your chances of developing cervical cancer. The cervix of a young girl is more susceptible to damage from sex. Smoking also has some connection to cervical cancer, but it is not clearly understood. Smokers do have an increased chance of getting cervical cancer. There may also be a link between cervical cancer and receiving estrogen treatment for menopause. In the past, the hormone estrogren was used alone. Now it is combined with progesterone. When used alone, estrogren increases the risk of cancer.

If a girl had cervical cancer did her partner have HPV?

No, not necessarily. Cervical cancer is not always caused by the HPV virus and can be for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is not necessarily because her partner has/had HPV, however this possibility should not be ruled out.

Can a girl be immune to hpv because she got the partner shots?

The vaccine for HPV does not protect against all types of HPV. It protects against the ones most likely to cause cancer. Some vaccines also protect against the ones most likely to cause genital warts.

Can a girl who has no sexual contact have pap smear?

yes... you can still carry cervical cancer or other diseases so a pap smear is required by the age of 21:)

Can you still have the cervical cancer jab if you have a tumer?

No way, i think that you could possibly die like that 14-year-old girl in the News not so long ago.

Do genatil warts give more pleasure to a girl?


What are the other options for a girl that doesnt want to do an pap test?

There are no easier options for detection of cervical cancer than a pap smear. Contact your health care provider to find out what testing is recommended for your health history.

How do you do tell the different of a boy or girl hamster?

Check its genital area, or if it has visible big nipples its a girl.

Can a 12 year old get cervical cancer?

Of course. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women under 35 but accounts for only around 2% of all cancer in women a a whole. Most cases of cervical cancer are seen in sexualy active women, especialy those who married young or started to have sex young. Condom usage reduces the risk of cancer and precancerous changes to the cervix. However, there are some data to suggest that daughther's of women who developed cervical cancer are more likely to develope it too, although at this time we do not know of any genetic faults which could cause cervical cancer. It is suggested that the vast majority of cases are due to HPV, a virus which is sexually contracted and very common although it is also suggested that babies born to women with HPV infection may contract the virus at birth. In summary, most cases of cervical cancer are in non-virgins but there is a small chance of developing the disease by non-sexual HPV infection or other as yet unknown events.