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Well, I would imagin that ANY positive action would be favorable yo NO action. A settelment my not look as good as 'Paid in Full", but "Paid as agreed" sure beats an open collection account.

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Q: Will settling a credit card hurt your credit score?
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Does opening a credit card hurt your credit score?

Actually, it does. It uses the available credit you have so when that goes down the credit score does too.

Will settling a close credit card debt hurt your credit?

it would really depend on the age of the debt, if it is more than 6 months, leave it alone. By settling it it becomes current news not old and forgotten. It will make you feel better about paying your debts but will actually harm your credit score. You'll sleep better at night but your credit won't.

Will settling a credit card debt hurt your credit asdfsdf?

NOT really. All I know is party is cats and raining dogs and mice and food

How much does a late credit card payment affect your credit score?

I recent late payment on an open account can hurt your credit score up to 60 points.

Does canceling a new credit card hurt your credit score?

Canceling your card can hurt your credit score..... SORRY!! You should not cancel even if you intend not to use it. One credit secret is the more available credit not in use the better you look. I.E. percentage of revolving debt compared to available-it helps reduce that and increase your number.

Does it hurt your credit if a credit card company closes your acouunt because you aren't using the credit card?

No. It will show on a credit report as an account closed due to inactivity. It has no effect on your credit score.

How may a credit card negatively impact an individual credit history?

A credit card may negatively impact a credit history in a few ways. 1. Paying your credit card late will hurt your credit. 2. Keeping a high balance on your credit cards will lower a credit score. 3. Going over the credit limit will negatively impact your credit score.

Does credit card consolidation show up on my credit report?

Yes, credit card consolidation will affect your credit score. It will show on your credit report for at least five years, it doesn't hurt as bad as bankruptcy however.

Does bankruptsy hurt your credit score?

OF Course it does! IF you just got bankrupt it does hurt your credit score really badly!

Can a minor hurt their credit score with an overdue library fee?

No. A library fine is not reported to credit agencies. Late payments on a credit card or mortgage are reported to credit agencies.

After canceling my only active credit card how soon should I apply for another credit card without damaging my credit score?

you just hurt your score a little by closing a good account, it is always best to just leave the account open and just keep a zero balance and sock draw the card.