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Suspecting that one had a problem is reason enough to seek help. However, another's problem may not be evident to him/herself, especially if it severe, or a type of problem that inhibits a realistic view of themselves, such as schizophrenia. If a loved one had problems they may not know about, help should be sought. Living with mental unhealth is painful to the victim and everyone around them. I promise. I think that people with such problems do not particularly understand they are sick or not, they will argue that it is absolutely healthy when they say that they are not healthy. Especially people with various mental disorders.

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Q: Would a person with a mental health problem be aware that they have a problem?
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I have some personal problem i am very tense i want solution from you please tell me the method how i can talk to you?

The people on this site are not mental health professionals, and no reputable professional would attempt to advise on specific issues with someone they had not met. Please contact your local Mental Health Association, or see a mental health professional.

Is there a causal relationship between epilepsy and schizophrenia?

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