

Would you gain weight if you ate space food?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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Sure, but it would be largely unmeasurable until you re-entered a gravity well. Eat more calories than you burn in any environment and you will gain mass.

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Q: Would you gain weight if you ate space food?
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I'm not sure why you think figs would make you gain more weight than ordinary food. to gain weight you need to eat more calories than you spend. You can not gain weight just on figs.

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To gain weight you have to eat more.

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The reason why they gain weight over time is because of the food(s) they eat.

Why do humans gain weight?

Eating too much fatty and unhealthy food and Not doing any exercise can cause humans to put on weight. Thyroid problems can cause you to put on weight. From when you are born until you stop growing it is normal for you to put on weight at a steady pace. (additional answer) Prior to civilization, when people lived as hunter-gatherers, it was common that people would experience periodic changes in the abundance of food; sometimes they would have lots of food available, and sometimes very little if any. So when there was lots of food available, people would eat a lot and gain weight; this extra weight would then act as a stored food reserve for times when there was very little food available. In a temperate climate, people might gain weight every summer and then lose weight every winter. Now, with food readily available all the time, this adaptation does not serve people as well as it used to. People gain weight and then they gain more weight, and they don't lose it.

What are some of the must eat food on a weight gain diet?

There are two different routes to gain weight - healthy and unhealthy. The healthy approach to weight gain would be to eat natural foods high in protein, carbohydrates and fat. The unhealthy way to gain weight, would be to eat lots of convenient and/or processed foods.

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food causes you to gain weight shuger,chocolate,anything sweet makes you gain weight to tell you the truth.

How do you gain weight naturally?

by eating food

Which foods are to gain weight?

Junk food

Should you be worried if you gain weight after eating?

Not really. Of course eating food will make you gain some weight, especially when the food is still inside of you. As long as the weight gain is not consistant or significant (as in, exercsie to kepp a constant and steady weight), then it is fine.