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Yes. The wounds of heartache are like nuclear waste. As time passes the damage they cause will half repeatedly. The pain is most intense now but as time passes you will adapt.

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Q: You are 28 and just found out your husband of three years has been having an affair for a year - will you survive this heartache after you divorce him?
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I have a question about remarriage. My ex husband had an affair with another married woman. He married her. I have read in the Bible that a woman can get a divorce from the man if he had an affair.?

Yes, she can get a divorce.

What should I title a paper about a couple getting a divorce because the husband had an affair with another man?

an american affair

What do you do if your husband in prison you file for a divorce and he won't signed the papers?

Have an affair and live the way you like...!

How do you tell your husband girlfriend's employer about their affair?

You do not tell your husband's girlfriend's employer anything. The employer is a businessman and is not interested in the private affairs of his employees unless it interferes with their work performance. It should be your husband you are going after and if you feel the relationship is over then file for divorce. Your husband is the one that started this affair because he either provoked the affair or he could have said 'no' if she suggested having an affair with him. Put the blame where it belongs ... your husband!

If your getting a divorce and you know your husband is impotent and then all of a sudden you find his levitra prescription do you think he is having an affair?

Maybe he is just trying to get the feeling back because of his alleged impotence. If you were getting a divorce in the first place why are you worry about his having an affair?

Would you stay with your husband if he had an affair that produced a child?

No. I believe a one-night stand is something a couple can work out, but if it was a long time affair and a child came of it, then it would end in divorce.

Can I make my husband pay for a divorce if he is having an affair?

you can actually sue him and the chick he's affair with. Also I don't suggest a divorce. You promised to God that you are married with ONE person and I suggest going to marriage counselor before and start over and hopefully your husband wont go back to his ways and see you as the good woman you truly are.

Does a man always get custody when there is an affair?

No, a man does not always get custody. If one of the people in a marriage has an affair, it is usually the person not having an affair that gets custody of the child or children.For example, if the husband is having an affair, and the wife wants a divorce, the woman (wife) would get the custody of the child or children, and not the man (husband). This is the same vice versa, too.

What do you do if your husband has had an affair for 4 years with one of your best friends and you find out that your husband is the father of a child born out of this affair?

Leave him and her behind. If they wanted to be with each other they should have come to you and told you about their affair and not keep it in the dark. Seek a lawyers advice on divorce. Your marriage to me is not salvageable because of the length of the affair and the fact that there is now a love child involved.

Should your wife still be in contact with him?

Gosh no, how can she justify the pain that she gave to her husband if she still contact him. If this is what she is doing, for God sake just get a divorce so both can move on. Just like when the husband is the one that had the affair, if he keeps contact with his mistress what do you think the wife will feel? Either way husband or wife that has the affair needs to be honest, and never contact the affair partner..

When did agatha divorce her first husband?

Agatha Christie divorced her first husband, Archibald Christie, in 1928 after learning of his affair with another woman. This event had a significant impact on her life and writing.

Is it worth to have an affair with a married woman?

No, unless she has left her husband completely and has filed for divorce. Otherwise she is just using you. Believe me, I did it once and I will always regret it.