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It sounds like your DR performed the Qualitative blood test which is notoriously inaccurate during early pregnancy. Go back to your DR and ask for the Quantitative beta hcg pregnancy blood test. This will measure the exact amount of HCG in your blood. Also re-book a scan for 2 weeks time. ANSWER 2 It is totally unnecessary to have a further blood test if the sonogram has shown you are pregnant. Also no need to book another sonogram until 12 weeks unless you start bleeding.

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Q: You are a week late on your period. you had a blood test yesterday that can back negative. 3 days ago you had a faint positive. A sonogram yesterday showed the start of an early pregnancy. any advice?
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Can you be pregnant if tests are negative but sonogram shows a baby?

Yes. Home pregnancy tests only read up to a certain amount of hCG or the pregnancy hormone. Anything above that number would read negative.

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No, it's still called an ultrasound or a sonogram.

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Go with the sonogram unless you have absolute knowledge.

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No, it is very safe. This is a common way of verifing early pregnancy.

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An internal sonogram can show pregnancy as soon as 4 weeks. There will likely show an amniotic sac which is the first to form during pregnancy. Within a week after that you can see the fetus start to form. The heartbeat will likely show around 8 weeks.

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The size and development of the fetus viewed on the sonogram indicates the age and therefore gives a good estimate of date of conception. The age is more closely determined in early pregnancy and becomes a little less accurate as the fetus grows but it is still possible to estimate the age of the fetus throughout the pregnancy.

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By the 8th month, most babies are in a head down position. A sonogram can verify the position of the baby.

Can you give me a sentence with the word sonogram in it?

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