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I'm 11 and my left nipple is blue ish greeny, i have dischargesn cracked nipples and a small pea-sized lump under the skin.

I have all these problems and i'm terrified!

Sorry i dont know the answer to your question, just try to think positive x

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Q: You have blue-ish bruises on your nipples and you are 13?
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How do you know if the baby cat is a persion cat?

Well they're nipples are bigger than usual. and they have kittens running around them! JK on the second one

How many nipples do female cats have?

It depends on the species. Most possums of Australia, such as the Ringtail possum, the various Pygmy possums and the six species of gliders, have four nipples. The Brushtail possum has just two nipples in the pouch. The opossum, which is NOT related to possums, has thirteen nipples arranged in a circular form. There may be as many as 17 nipples.

What animal has the most nipples?

A north American opossum can have up 13 nipples/teats because that number reflects the amount a species can have in a litter. The opossum can have up to 13 offspring at once.

Im a 13 year old male but you have very light pink nipples When you look at other people their nipples are darker Will mine darken during puberty or will you always have them?

Your nipples won't darken.

Do light bruises heal faster or do dark bruises heal faster?

Light Bruises

What are muscle contusions that are damage to soft tissue and blood vessels that cause bleeding underneath the skin?

Bruises SPIDER

Sentence of bruises?

One sentence with the word "bruises" is; Kim has a lot of bruises after her bike wreck.

What color is mitochondrian?

I think it is blueish

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blueish green

What color do teal and purple make?

The colors teal and purple make a blueish gray color.

If there hard bumps behind your nipples at age 13 is it normal?

Structural development of the breasts will sometimes form hard tissue behind the nipples in both males and females, and is usually not a health concern.