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take pantogar tablets.

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Q: You have moderate hair loss what should you do to prevent that?
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Can you apply onion juice directly on hairs for prevent hair loss?

yes you can apply onion juice to your hair to prevent hair loss.

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What vitamins might help prevent hair loss in men?

Vitamins A, E and B are supposed to help prevent hair loss in men. Most times hair loss is hereditary and there isn't much that can be done for that except hair plugs.

Does the virgin coconut oil can cure hair loss?

Coconut oil can help prevent hair loss.

How can one prevent hair loss with Biotin?

One can prevent hair loss with Biotin by applying Biotin at least twice a day on the section of the scalp or head that one detects is thinning or balding or suffering hair loss.

How can one prevent hair loss from shampoo usage?

Good shampoos against hair loss are "DS Laboratories Revita Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo", "RegenePure NT Nourishing Treatment or Pura D‰Ûª" or "Organic Argan Oil Anti Hair Loss Shampoo".

What type of diet should one be on to prevent hair loss?

Eating a well balanced diet that is rich with Omega 3's will contribute to healthy hair. Also, a diet that provides a lot of protein will help with hair loss.

What can men do to prevent or reverse hair loss?

There are four things that a man can do to prevent or reverse hair loss and they are: diet, stop stressing, limit chemical treatments and use clinical hair growth treatments.

What are some ways to prevent hair loss?

Some ways you can prevent hair loss is to take care of your hair, wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo and control your stress. Also, eat nutritionally and consider taking supplements.

What are some creams that help prevent hair loss?

There are many hair creams available that are designed to prevent hair loss. Examples include Ervamatin Hair Lotion, Himalaya Hair Loss Cream, and Trichup Herbal Hair Fall Control Cream. Most hair loss creams, including those listed above, are available through retailers of hair products , such as Amazon Health Care.

What is the drug Aminexil used for?

Aminexil is a drug that is used to help hair. It helps prevent hair loss and encourage new hair loss. This is usually used to target hair loss on the head of a person.

What skin structure acts to prevent water loss?

the hair