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Is the bump broken or open? Herpes doesn't usually cause vaginal discharge unless you have the lesions internally and they are open and weeping fluid. I would check with your doctor.

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Q: You have one small bump by your vagina it looks like a skin tag and you have also had discharge today could it be herpes?
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Can you get boils on your vagina if that is what this looks like?

Yes, you can develop boils on the vagina and anywhere else on your body. If your not sexually active, you can rule out herpes or warts.

Should you remove the clear stretchy vaginal discharge?

You should wipe the vagina like always. It's just discharge even if it's looks different.

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No, virginity is not a medical concept, and a doctor can't tell if you had sex unless you have a vagina, have semen in your vagina, and s/he looks under microscope at the vaginal discharge.

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yes its normal , if your period is late you can have brown discharge also it happens after periods and it mean its cleaning out your vagina and old blood looks brown.

What can you take for a yellow vaginal discharge?

sometimes if your discharge just dries yellow, that can be perfectly normal. but if it looks like goopy pee, then you might want to ask your doctor that question so you can get checked out for yeast infections and other various bactierial infections in your vagina. yellow discharge can be signs of many things so its best to get checkout!

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You need to see a doctor. It could be from a variety of causes including infections, tumors and it really could be poop!

Is discharge normal?

Women tend to have more vaginal discharge during their ovulation period. This type of discharge should be virtually colorless and odorless. However, if the discharge has a foul odor and/or has a color of yellow, green, or looks curdlike with perhaps itchyness, this could be a sigh of an infection. Jessica

How do you know you have thrush?

The commonest symptoms is itchiness in the vaginal and vulval area.There is also a vaginal discharge .This does not always have to be present but it commonly does. It is about the commonest symptoms of yeast infection in women.The colour of the discharge is white or yellowish, it is thick and it looks like cottage cheese. Sometimes the discharge can be thin or watery. It usually has no odour.There may also be swelling or redness of the vagina and vulva. Sometimes there is soreness or blisters in the surrounding area.This may indicate herpes simplex infections or another sexually transmitted disease.There may also be pain or discomfort during sex.There may be stinging sensation when passing urine.Sometimes the skin to the entrance of the vagina may appear cracked.For more info,please visit

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If i am pregnant and have a white creamy discharge that has a foul odor is that normal This dicharge is also heavy.My paps have all came back negative but is there something they could be missing?

A pap smear looks for cancer of the cervix, not vaginitis. If you have a creamy white foul-smelling discharge, you need to report the complaint to your health care provider to see if a visit is needed. Bacterial vaginosis, a non-contagious imbalance in the vagina, can cause some complications during pregnancy. This condition is the most common cause of creamy white, foul-smelling discharge.

What is a bump with pus between your leg and pelvis called?

Genital herpes, or just a pimple. Depending on what it looks like. Does it look like a pimple ? It could still be genital herpes. Not that I can be onehundred percent sure cuz I dont have any medical experience with said matters at hand.

Can curdled discharge be an early pregnancy sign?

Discharge that looks "curdled" is typically a sign of vaginal infection. See a doctor.