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I was born March, 1970. There was some issues when I was born. Blue baby, had transfusions......what does that mean! I am Gay now, is that FINE, or am I Royal! My mother is deaf, but not me. My Aunt is sending this for me. Love all!! Holly/Aunt Lil

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Q: You were born with blue blood and needed a transfusion?
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Can a blood transfusion in a mother affect the race of a child born to that mother?

Absolutely not! Race is genetic, determined by the characteristics of the mother and the father. A blood transfusion (from whatever race) will not change the genetic makeup of either the mother or the child.

Severe jaundice of 26 in a newborn and needing blood transfusion?

Not sure what exactly you are asking but, yes? Are you asking if a newborn with a jaundice of 26 needs blood transfusion, if it is common, or the reason why the newborn would need a blood transfusion with a level of 26. When I was born I had a jaundice of 27 and needed a blood transfusion. My mom wanted the blood to be from a family relative but the doctors at the baby hospital that I was airlifted too told her that there was no time and that I was given 5 hours to live. Obviously, I survived but it caused some brain damage. I'm partially deaf and grew up with extreme behavior problems. I couldn't control my behaviors. I could go from extremely mad, to extremely happy, to extremely sad.. Even to this day, I don't get mad or happy or sad like most people. I'm either indifferent or extreme.

Can infants get HIV?

Some babies are born with HIV as their mothers were positive. Infants could get HIV by receiving a transfusion of infected blood.

What would be expected if a woman with blood type AB has children with a man who has blood type AB?

That would depend on whether the bloods types are both negative or both positive or one of each, If the blood types are both the same then there will be no problem, if the mother has negative blood and the father positive, the baby can be born "blue", which basically means the mothers blood being negative is trying to destroy the fathers positive antibodies from his blood in the baby, this is not too much of a problem as midwives will administer an "anti D" injection to the mother to protect the baby, if untreated the baby will be born with blue lips, toes, fingers and other extremities, a blood transfusion usually sorts any problems and does not have any long term problems for mother or baby.

Can baby born without blood in their body?

Yes, this is very possible. Blood is only needed in adults bodies. Right now, babies are being born without blood and suriving.

Technique of exchange transfusion in jaundice what should be the blood group and rhesus factor to be used for exchange transfusion in a group a rhesus positive baby of a rhesus negative mother?

If the baby has already been born then you can transfuse A RH POS to the baby. If the baby is still in the womb I would think A RH NEG would be right.

Who is blue baby?

Blue baby is an infant born with cyanosis as a result of a congenital cardiac or pulmonary defect that causes inadequate oxygenation of the blood.

How was she-hulk created?

Well Bruce banner and Jennifer waters was walking around till thugs came out and shot waters. she was losing blood till Bruce smart behind did a blood transfusion them BAM she hulk was born but yet she still had her inelegance and she could never be a human again

What is twin to twin transfusion?

Twin to Twin Transfusion syndrome is a disease of the placenta in identical twins. The twins share both blood and nutrients. The placenta shunts more blood and nutrients to one twin while starving the other twin. There is only a 20% of survival and most all who survive are pre-term. My girls survived and we were diagnosed at 17 weeks. They were born at 30 weeks, 1lb 15 oz and 2 lbs 14 oz.

What are the chances of a child with light blue skin?

The chances of a child being born with light blue skin are improbable. However, a condition commonly known as "Blue Baby Syndrome" can occur when there is a difference in Rh factor between mother and child. The baby's skin is not actually blue in color, but appears blue because of the lack of oxygenated blood needed to keep the baby alive. This is also known as cyanosis. This syndrome can be fatal if not appropriately treated. Fortunately, it can also be prevented with an injection shortly after the birth of the mother's first child.

When was Blue Jacket born?

Blue Jacket was born in 1745.

When was Linden Blue born?

Linden Blue was born in 1936.