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It may be a sign that you are expecting but i believe that you should get it checked out first because just jumping to conclusions could cause alot of problems if you are in an relationship or even if it was only a one night stand. can you imagine losing your boyfriend because he didnt want a baby then finding out that you werent? it would be hell. check it out first.

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Q: You were delayed for 5 days then the next day you got your period which lasted only for 1 day then after that just pinkish brown spot is it a sign of pregnancy?
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What is the meaning of a 'suggestive pregnancy'?

A period delayed by a few days or weeks is suggestive of pregnancy.

I was three days late this month and when my period started it lasted only two days its normally five What are the reasons other than pregnancy?

Your diet is lacking essential nutrients so your period was delayed and it didn't last as long. Try taking a multivitamin.

What could be the reason for delayed or irregular menstruation if it was delayed for five weeks and when it started it was not heavy and only lasted 3 to 4 days?

This could be pregnancy related or due to a hormonal imbalance. You need to see your Doctor. PCOS could also be a reason for your delayed period but its unlikely unless you have very irregular periods along with other PCOS symptoms.

Your wife is 2 week delayed in his period what is the reason?

Are you serious? you need to get yourselves a pregnancy test

What can cause a delayed period in a 41 year old woman who has a copper IUD?

A copper IUD will not delay your period. The same things can cause a delayed period in women with or without the copper IUD. These include pregnancy and hormonal fluctuations.

Can stress move your period date?

Yes, stress can cause your period to be delayed. When you're stressed it can delay ovulation as the body will try to prevent pregnancy when you're stressed, and thus in turn menstruation is delayed too.

How do you used cytotec tablets if your 1 week delayed?

The doctor will advice you when he prescribes it to you after you have a positive pregnancy test. Just having your period a week delayed does not mean you are pregnant.

What is wrong if you had your period a week early with a more pinkish maroonish color plus you had lower back pain and diarrhea?

If your period was lighter than normal this could be pregnancy related.

Girls period delayed for 2 months?

Can be a sign of pregnancy. But it is completely normal that the female period varies from time to time. It can be a product of unhealthy lifestyle. Always take a pregnancy-test if you're in doubt.

Is HCG pregnancy test a reliable pregnancy test for a 15-day delayed period?

If your period is more than 2 weeks late, yes an HCG blood test will certainly be able to detect the pregnancy hormone. Home pregnancy tests will work as well.

Could you have implantation bleeding 8 days before your regular period?

Yes! I did, and it was heavy like a period, lasted 5 days and I had cramping! Only difference was it was slightly pinkish, not blood red. By the way, I'm pregnant!!!!!

If you have protected sex the day before you are supposed to have your period and you miss your period can that be sign for pregnancy?

Not really. Often your period can be delayed a day or so by sex. If you haven't had a period in several weeks take a test.