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Maybe, but that's the way it goes . When you are all of an age, your peers are the most likely candidates.

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Q: You were invited to a Bar Mitzvah but only because of his mom?
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Who is the Bar Mitzvah ceremony for?

The key player in the Bar Mitzvah boy is the 13 year old Jewish boy, his family and friends are invited to join in the celebration. For more info on Bar Mitzvah check out

Can you sent a birthday card in bar mitzvah?

For answering this question I need to know if you are going the the Bar Mitzvah or not. Usually in a Bar Mitzvah There is a ceremony with a party, and then it's customary to bring a present and not just a card. If you are not going to the Bar Mitzvah ceremony you can only send a card. Should you go to the Bar Mitzvah or not? It's totally up to you and how close you are with the family.

Where can suggestions for Bar Mitzvah gifts be found?

Any gift that you would give to a boy or girl is a suitable bar mitzvah gift. Just because it is a bar mitzvah doesn't mean it should be treated specially. Another popular bar mitzvah gift is money in multiples of 18.

Why is bar mitzvah important to the Jews?

The Bar Mitzvah is important to Jews because it is when a Jewish boy is old enough to take on the religious responsibility of an adult.

What does a synagouge have to do with a bar mitzvah?

It is where the Bar Mitzvah ceremony takes place.

When does person have bar mitzvah?

A boy has his Bar Mitzvah at age 13.

What religious people would be invited to a bar mitzvah?

If you are a guest at a bar mitzvah, you don't really do anything except sit with the congregation during the service. The bar mitzvah boy (or bat mitzvah girl) usually leads and/or takes part in the service, reading from the Torah or at least saying the Torah blessings.

Is it correct to call someone bar mitzvah?

Yes, the boy is called 'a/the bar mitzvah' which translates as 'son of mitzvah'. For a girl, it would be 'a/the bat mitzvah' 'daughter of mitzvah'.

What if a boy says he loves you playfully?

He probably means that he likes you and maybe have some feelings for you but NOT like in love with you Yea this one girl was like "I love you!" and gave me a hug... it was because i invited her to my bar mitzvah

Why do Jews have a ceremony about a bar and bat mitzvah?

The Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish ceremony that dates to the 13th century and confirms that a Jewish boy has come of age and should be seen as an adult in the community. The celebration of coming of age remains an important rite in Judaism.

What is the structure of a bar mitzvah?

A Jewish boy's 13th birthday (on the Jewish calendar) is the only requirement for him to become a bar mitzvah. In regard to celebrating the boy becoming a bar mitzvah, the main part his his being called up to read from the Torah for the first time.