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Once Baptised in the Catholic Church, an indelible mark is upon the soul that only 1 act of man can erase; a mark which signifies you as a member of the Church. Confirmation is a separate Sacrament that, while affirming the original Baptism, conveys its own Divine graces and does not affect this mark. Therefore, though you may not be a practicing Catholic, you still are one; only formal excommunication by a Bishop can remove you from the Church, though many people live in a state of de facto excommunication and don't know it. The proper term, assuming you have not been formally excommunicated, is "lapsed Catholic."
In such a case, yes, it is OK to use your confirmation name, but you should realize that, in so doing, you are reaffirming your Catholicism by accepting the authority by which that name was given and the Sacrament in which that name was first used.

Of course, the Catholic Church always has open arms, ready to receive her strayed members. Please do reconsider your desire to not be part of the Church. Apologists like John Martignoni and Dr. Peter Kreeft, or EWTN programs like The Journey Home, or those of Fr. John Corapi or Fr. Mitch Pacwa may be helpful in this regard. Those of us who were raised Catholic, like myself, often don't know what exactly being Catholic means nor appreciate magnitude of it until we wander away (like I did, too) and then, some time later, go and learn more fully what the deposit of faith truly holds through resources like those mentioned.

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Q: You were raised Catholic but no longer part of the church you are a Christian though Is it ok to still use your confirmation name?
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