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I use no Meds, I have anxiety attacks for many years,took a year before I had them in control, today I have alittle more stress in my life, then before, the attacks came back without a warning, I even tryd to block them but I couldn't it seems they are attacking in others ways then Im use too. Im again find a way to fight them off, so far so good,they take time and understanding,read up about it alot,online has great tools,much to read, Walking in parks and around water in the best treatment,drink water,you must eat right,even if you small amounts all day. Just remember new studies are saying new things, most people are not mental ill like many think... Get your mind on good things, stop the worrie.....

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Q: You were sick and went about 2 months with pretty much no sleep you also have an anxiety disorder which you have had under control without medication for about 6 years It has been acting up ever since?
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What is the difference between anxiety and an axiety disorder?

I think the difference between the two is that anxietywere you get worried about things, while anxiety disorder is when it is were you can't control you anxiety and you worry about everything. That is just what I inffer. Hope it helped!

How can I treat my extreme anxiety?

You should treat your anxiety by seeking medical care from your primary care doctor. He/she will be able to prescribe medication to treat your anxiety. Lifestyle changes such as practicing yoga can help with anxiety attacks.

What are some tips for dealing with nervousness and anxiety without medication?

A few good ways to deal with nervousness and anxiety are Breathing Exercises, Walking, Jogging or other forms of exercise and sharing your problems with friends or family. These tips are good for managing nervousness and anxiety without the use of medication, but sometimes medication may be necessary.

Name the anxiety disorder where the person has a constant sense of doom and fear without any specific reason for the fear?

generalized anxiety

What helps when treating anxiety attacks?

The best medication to take for anxiety is no medication at all. I would recommend meditating as a solution. That way you will ease your mind, body and soul without the costs and side effects.

What are the primary symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder?

The primary symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include excessive worry and anxiety about a variety of things, difficulty controlling this worry, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms are persistent and can significantly impact a person's daily life and functioning.

What can I do to relieve anxiety without medication?

According to the recent research I have just completed, there are many ways to relieve anxiety without medication. Exercise such as Yoga has been proven to help considerably. Elevating the situation by taking deep breaths has also been proven effective.

How is epilepsy treated in alternative medicine?

Relaxation techniques can provide some sense of control over the disorder, but they should never be used instead of antiseizure medication or without the approval of the patient's doctor.

Is Post traumatic Stress Disorder a mood disorder or anxiety disorder?

PTSD is an emotional disorder brought about by unresolved trauma, both physical and emotional. It is possible that there are somatic issues as well, but this is still under investigation. For now, it is what the name implies: a disorder that makes it impossible for people to live normal emotional lives without treatment.

Which drug can be used on the treatment of anxiety disorder and it's side effects in detail?

Anxiety Disorder (aka: GAD) is treated with benzodiazepines such as Xanax; Librium; Valium and Ativan. Antidepressant such as Paxil, Effexor, Prozac, Lexapro and Zoloft are also used to treat anxiety disorders that can cause depression. The antidepressants can take four to six weeks to fully work but are more helpful for long-term treatment of anxiety disorder. All medications have some side effects and some such as benzodiazepines can be addictive. Most of the antidepressants have a few side effects (a small percentage of people may have one or two side effects, but the quality of life out weighs the side effects.) Along with the medication Cognitive behavioral therapy is beneficial to people with anxiety disorders and it helps to change the patterns and behaviors associated with anxiety. It also will help with distorted thinking (worrying too much about something where people without anxiety do not worry as much.) Each individual is different in tolerating certain medications so it is imperative that you see your doctor and let him/her decide which medication is the best one for you. Do not feel shy or embarrassed about your anxiety problem (there is a high percentage of very anxious people around the world) and do not be afraid to voice your concerns about the side effects that you are concerned about. You may be lucky and only need short-term medication for your anxiety and if it may never surface again or, if it does you can always go back on the medication. There are very supportive groups on forums that will help you when you need it. You can Google 'Support groups for anxiety disorder.'

What is the best and most effective anxiety treatment?

The best and most effective anxiety treatment is to avoid medication and seek to identify the causes of the anxiety themselves. Often with a change in diet, habit and lifestyle, anxiety will subside without side-effect.

What are generalized anxiety disorders?

There are different types of anxiety disorders. Most people worry about things, having an AD means you worry about something more than normal. Say if someone forgot to ring you back a person would be maybe a little worried but a person with AD would worry and worry and worry about it, they might even have an anxiety attack. Its like extreme worry and it can be severe.