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Old blood looks brown. It's a sign that the bleeding has stopped and there's just a little bit of old blood still leaking out.

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Q: Your 1st day of your menstrual you bled red than later that day it was brown?
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Does brown spotting always lead to a menstrual cycle?

Yes. More than likely.

What occurs on the 14 day of the menstrual cycle?

Typically on day 14 of the menstrual cycle is when ovulation occurs - when an egg is released from the ovary. However everyone's menstrual cycles are different, if the cycle is longer it's likely ovulation occurs far later in the cycle than this.

Is there any concern if your period came 2 days later than expected?

It's normal for there to be around 7 days variation from your average menstrual cycle. Your period wasn't late so much as later than you had predicted, that's all.

What if you only bled for 4 days?

The length of a menstrual period is typically between 4-7 days, so although 4 days is on the shorter end of the scale it's still perfectly normal. It is also normal for your period to vary from one cycle to the next, so even if your menstrual periods are normally longer than this the occasional shorter period is still nothing to worry about.

You were late five days then got your period you are never late what can be happening?

You were five days later than you predicted - this prediction was based on your average menstrual cycle length, but menstrual cycles change and they will not be exactly the same throughout your entire life. Anything up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle is normal, also things such as ill health or stress can delay your menstrual cycles too.

Period was 6 days late and then bled a little bit for a few days but then it went away not even 3 days later it was lighter than usual was it my period or implantation bleeding?

it sounds like implantation bleeding

What does it mean when your on your period and brown discharge comes out instead of blood?

It's still just menstrual fluid. This happens a day or so before you really start bleeding, and it tends to be brown at the end of your period. Older blood turns brown. Your period is more than blood. It's totally normal.

What can cause severe cramping during menstrual cycles?

Women with severe menstrual pain have higher levels of prostaglandin in their menstrual blood than women who do not have such pain.

How do you get early period?

You can't get your period any earlier than when it is due.Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of your menstrual cycle to menstruate earlier than when you're due.

What does having brown blood during a menstrual cycle mean if you are not on the pill or having sexual intercourse?

Basically, menstrual 'blood' is not just blood, it's the remains of the tissue that has built up - so it is not unusual for it to come in a different colour than normal, red blood. Chances are it means absolutely nothing :)

What does it mean if your menstrual cycle is more than 35 days?

It simply means that you have a 35 day menstrual cycle, nothing more than that. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different so some women have longer cycles.

Why would you have a normal menstrual cycle than 5 days later have another?

It can be caused by stress..if your really stressed about something it can trigger it and cause your period to start again..well that's what happens to me anyway.