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Generally I would say no, unless it has been a large amount. However, a more accurate test might show it.

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Q: Your 8 year old son has described to you that his father is smoking with him in the room by the description this is most likely marijuana Does anyone know if you took him to get a UA would he fail it?
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Related questions

Has anyone died from just smoking marijuana?

No. There is not a single death attributed to the sole smoking of marijuana. You cannot even physically OD on it.

Has anyone ever died because of marijuana use ALONE?

marijuana is carcinogenic, so it can therefore lead to cancer which may kill you, I don't think anyone has ever died from smoking a joint once though!

What is the mortality rate for smoking marijuana?

0% Arguably there has never been a death directly attached to marijuana use, and no proof that marijuana has ever killed anyone, caused cancer or killed brain cells.

Was there anyone that ever lost there life from smoking marijuana?

to my knowledge, and many stoners are proud of this fact, no....but i find that fact fairly hard to believe

Who is cosidered to be a rasta?

anyone who believes that emperor Halie Selassie is a god in the flesh and believes that smoking marijuana heals the lungs I am rasta myself

Can Californians medical marijuana patients smoke in public?

Anyone who wants to smoke weed can do it whenever and where they feel like smoking a nice joint;)

What are the dangers of marijuana?

You might get caught. You may forget things because you are focused on other things. Other than that there is no proof of anyone ever dying from marijuana smoking alone in the 5000 years of its use. The cleanest way to use marijuana is in vaporizers.

Where can I find reviews on varies types of quit smoking programs?

Quiting smoking is described as one of the hardest thing that anyone has ever had to do. You can find reviews of the various methods at the website .

Smoking out of a can bad?

smoking from aluminum causes Alzheimer. Don't do it, unless you must!

What chemicals are in cooked marijuana Is there vitamin K?

If you mean Vitamin K because you are on Coumadin. Yes smoking of any kind thickens your blood and you will in turn have to take more Coumadin to get your INR tests to the right number. Between 2-3.

Which is badder a teen smoking weed or a teen selling weed?

Your question is open to debate for the fact that the answer your looking for is based on ones Morales and personalbeliefs. So i will answer the only way that i can and still be correct; Legally, you are safer smoking weed than selling it. Because if your smoking it you are only damaging (physically) yourself from the smoke inhalation. But selling weed endangers anyone you provide the marijuana to along with anyone the introduce it to.

Can you die of using marijuana?

you can not die, or overdose, from smoking weed. in the long term you can develop cancer from all the smoke.