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It depends on what kind of fish is nipping his fins. If it's another angelfish that is larger than him, i would move him to another tank, and feed him extra, until they are the same size. i breed angelfish and have had to do this several times. if it's some other fish, such as tetras or tiger barbs, the best thing you can do is move one or the other. Angel fish can't really be kept with tetras or barbs, because the barbs think that the angelfish's fins look tasty. the angelfish will be much happier without the offending fish.

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Q: Your angelfish is gettin his fins nipped by other fish how do you help him?
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What are the uses of angelfish?

Angelfish release gas with their fins.

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Sorry to say, But he is dying. The nipped fins might be because he was attacked by another fish. And since that happened he probably can't swim as well.

What has paired legs or fins?

An angelfish!

How did the gray angelfish get its name?

By its fins

What fish has the most fins?

The angelfish, in my opinion has the most fins, and is exquistly detailed =)

What are fin nippers?

A "fin nipper" is a fish that bites bits/pieces off other fishes fins. Fish that are "fin nipped" fairly regularly are Bettas and Angelfish because they have long flowing fins. Some species are well known for doing this. " Some members of the Barb family are notorious "fin nippers" as are some of the Danios.

Can angelfish live with tropical fish?

Yes they can, but with care, they are territorial. I have two of them and they have bitten the fins of other fish.

What are Angelfish?

angelfish are freshwater fish that hav theye very long dangly fins. they look like this

What should you do if one of your angelfish is shredding the fins of another one?

Separate them.

What kind of fish is the angelfish?

An angelfish is normally a whitey color im not sure if they come in different colors. but they have big fins whether they're babies or adult fish they still have big fins they have long fins underneath the fish i think it helps them sense things.

Similarity between goldfish and angelfish?

There are many similarities between angelfish and goldfish- to name one angelfish and fancy goldfish (especially the oranda) both have several long delicate fins.

Are angelfish reptiles?

No, they are actually a breed of freshwater fish. Reptiles are known for their scales. Fish are known for fins and breathing underwater. Angelfish are fish!