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Yes, if your genotype is BO, you can pass on the O allele and the child will be type O.

If your genotype is BB, then no, the child will be type B (BO).

Positive or negative depends on your specific Rh factor, and that of your husbands.

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no it can't be AB

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Q: Your blood group is o positive while your wife is o negative what will be the blood group of your son can it be AB blood group?
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How can doctors determine positive or negative blood types.?

Doctors can determine positive or negative blood types by administering a test. The difference between positive and negative types is the presence of the RH factor. Positive blood types indicate the presence of the RH factor while negative blood types do not have this factor.

How common is blood type a negative?

No, only 7% of the world has O negative blood type.We couldn't say our blood type a negative without testing.It has been found that the most common blood types are the Rhesus factor positive or all the positive blood types like A+, B+, AB+ and O+. When compared with their respective negative counterparts, the percentage of the positive blood types is more than that of the negative ones. That is, nearly 85% of the world population have Rhesus positive blood type, while only a mere 15% have Rhesus negative blood type.

How common is a negative blood?

No, only 7% of the world has O negative blood type.We couldn't say our blood type a negative without testing.It has been found that the most common blood types are the Rhesus factor positive or all the positive blood types like A+, B+, AB+ and O+. When compared with their respective negative counterparts, the percentage of the positive blood types is more than that of the negative ones. That is, nearly 85% of the world population have Rhesus positive blood type, while only a mere 15% have Rhesus negative blood type.

Can two people with blood group o negative have a child with blood group o positive?

Of course, but there are many more complications than if you were to have a child with a man with one of the negative blood types. After a miscarriage, or abortion you have to have a shot called Rhogam. If you become pregnant by a positive type person, you will also need to have the shot while pregnant. Then after the babys birth. There are ways around getting the shot DURING the pregnancy. The main one would be to make 100% sure that the baby has a negative blood type. That is the most important thing here.

Is A negative blood the same as A Rhesus Negative?

Not quite. The "Rh" factor is the "positive" or "negative" part, but there are two other major blood factors called "A" and "B". You may have one or the other, or both, or neither. So a person who has all three blood factors, "A", "B", and "Rh" is an "AB Positive", while a person with none of the blood factors is "O Negative". Somebody with only the "B" factor would be "B Negative", while a person having only the "Rh" factor is "O Positive".

Is a negative divided by a negative the same as a positive times a positive?

Well a negative times a negative equals a positive while as a positive times a positive equals a positive.

Do ethnic groups have different blood types that are more common for that group?

Yes, they do. The most common is O positive for all ethnicities. While one ethnicity may be high in A positive for example, that same ethinicity may be low in A negative.

What is Rh positive and Rh negative mean?

Rh factor is a protein that is found in the blood of about 85% of the population. Those who have the factor are Rh positive, while those who don't, are Rh negative. A person who is Rh negative can safely donate blood to persons with or without the protein. A person who is Rh positive can only donate to those who are Rh positive.

Can a black from Africa person be Rh negative If So tell you how?

Blood group is nothing to with skin color since skin color is determined by meranin quality while being rh negatif or positive is all about your redcell in blood. Dispite that theory i have been working in hospital setting in african for seven years where blood donation were sometimes aplicable and there you find both rh negative and positive.

Short note on positive vs negative liberty?

Positive liberty is positive while negative liberty stands for negative

Why can't o positive receive from A positive?

O positive and O negative can only receive from the same type of O. O is considered to be a universal donor, while AB is considered to be a universal receiver. A however, is neither, which means that it can only receive from O and other A's. Any A blood group has antigen b, while any O has antigen a and b. When a person with blood group A transfer the blood to O, antigen b from both sides meet and co-aggutation occurs (i.e the blood clotts within the receiver). this act can be fatal

What are the benefits of o negative blood?

If you are a blood donor your blood can be given to anyone. Everyone who is O negative is OO negative, by father, husband and both my sons are all O negative. If you are a rhesus negative woman married to a rhesus positive man you may need to have Anti-D while pregnant and after delivery to prevent your blood becoming sensitised and affecting a Rhesus positive baby More elaborate answer on pregnancy in rhesus negative women: If you are a rhesus negative woman pregnant by a rhesus positive partner you WILL (typically only after the first pregnancy, but, it's suggested with any pregnancy of a Rh- woman) need a RhoGAM (Anti-D) injection in early pregnancy to protect the embryo from being miscarried from an attack by your immune system and again during or immediately after delivery to stop the fetal blood (which most likely will be positive) from mixing with your blood preventing your death. Negative can successfully mix with positive, but, positive will kill a negative.