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My sister-in-law had a long-hair daschund for four years and then had her first baby and her dog started peeing on the baby's blankets and misbehaving in a peculiar fashion around the house although the dog did not hurt the baby. The dog began to lose hair. Your dog is jealous. Small dogs are particularly famous for this, while larger breeds seem to take a new baby in the house in stride and without problems. She decided that she couldn't give her pet the attention it needed and gave the dog to my husband and I (we don't have children.) We had the time to spend with the dog and all those bad habits disappeared within the week and within just over a month all the hair grew back on the dog without changing her diet.

You have two options three options here:

  • Hire a dog walker. There are teens that will actually walk your dog or even retired people that will. It's not expensive. Your dog should have that extra energy walked or run out of him/her.
  • Get a dog trainer in to help you. A little more expensive, but worth it.
  • Decide if the dog is going to change and if not, then decide on giving your pet away to a good home as my sister-in-law did. Perhaps a member of the family without young children would take the dog.
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Q: Your dog is four years old had another baby and he is really jealous He tries to get attention by peeing on stuff and pooping in the house i need something that will tire him out but not wake up baby?
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