

Dog keeps throwing up bile

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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This also happens occasionally to my German Shepard. My only explanation is that she has gotten into something strange outside, to which she is allergic. She has a sensitive stomach; and if I watch her while shes outside this doesint seem to happen. -- I do know this, throwing up yellow bile means that the stomach is empty; theres nothing else to throw up. It is most likely an allergic reaction of some kind.

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14y ago

That is not a good sign, take your dog to a veterinarian immediately. if you've already done that try to give him small servings of hard food like the brand name and if you have a medium sized dog feed him compliments puppy food that usually helps allot try that for a month and then see if hes stopped puking lately if not watch to make sure he doesn't eat grass if this still happens go to the vet immediately

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14y ago

Dogs sometimes eat various types of garbage that they come across, and if they eat something that is particularly indigestible, they will then throw up. But if this is a persistent problem, and the dog cannot eat without throwing up, that indicates a more serious problem which would require a diagnosis by a veterinarian.

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15y ago

maybe the dog is sick.

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It's not suppost to be green or yellow. If it is, it's called "Bile" witch is green or yellow and smells really bad. If you are throwing up bile, you should go to a doctor right away! Throwing up bile can kill you. Bile is needed in your digestive system to help your food go thru your stomach and out ok. Also throwing up bile can be caused by drinking too much alcohol. Hope this helps!

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That is not Normal. If the dog is older then 10-12 sleeping is a given. But throwing up bile is not normal,Sheor he might beallergicto some food your giving her or the dog is really sick. I have two Shih-tzu's one is two years old and has more energy then I can handle halfthetime. The other one is 15 years old.Shedoes sleep later in the mornings as she's been getting older. But once she's up she's up! She plays with my two year old and keeps up with her just fine. She may take a nap when I let her outside, she loves to sleep in the shade. But even then those naps don't usually last to long. Throwing up bile means there is something wrong.

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If a dog was throwing up yellow bile mixed with blood and worms was given olive oil and improved does it mean the dog as poisoned?

Yuck. Without consulting a vet, there's no way to know. Next time, take the dog to a vet ASAP. If this dog is still ill, take him or her to the vet now.

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