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It's possible yes or there is a wax build up or too much hair in your dogs ears.

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Q: Your dog seems to have itchy ears and no symptoms of infection could he have an allergy to the grass?
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Since cows eat grass does that mean if I have a grass allergy I should abstain from meat?

No. Your allergy is directly affected by presence of pollen produced by grasses, not by meat from grass-fed cattle. There is no risk of getting a "grass allergy" by eating meat from such livestock. Your doctor may explain this similarily.

Are witches allergic to grass?

... Despite the reverts; The correct answer is Witches are really nothing more than people; and people can be allergic to any variety of things. Some people are allergic to tomatoes; others are allergic to watermelons. Some people who are allergic to grass (such as myslef, e.g.) might follow a Witchraft tradition. But not all Witches are allergic to grass; some may not have any allergies at all. and just for the record, there are also Christians (and others in other faith traditions) who are allergic to grass. Grass allergy is actually one of the most common allergies, that has a longspread history. Grass allergy normally occurs all throughout the spring season and during the onset or ending of the summer season. Grass allergy can also take the form of an inhalant kind of allergy similar to asthma. Grass allergy is caused by an allergen that invokes discomforting reaction upon body contact. The most usual allergen or substance that causes or triggers grass allergy is pollen. This is a specific type of pollen, that the grass plants produce themselves. Often times, other pollens coexist on the grass leaf; therefore if one is allergic to another form of pollen that is stirred up from resting on the grass leaf; it is still often times classified as Grass allergy. Common symptoms of grass allergy are: headaches and/or migraines, nausiness, rashes, general itchiness, sneezing, and less frequently, fever.

Could humans be allergic to grass?

Yes. Or you can get Hives, which is like a rash but instead it is red bumps. They itch a lot and can be anywhere on your body. They usually are anywhere the grass touched you, depending on how allergic you are.

Can you be allergic to Swiss chard?

Yes. If you have a grass pollen allergy, you could be affected by Swiss chard and a few other vegetables. Speak to your doctor.

Why do you have allergy while drinking alcohol?

Avoidance and allergy shots are typically recommended by people who only know about 'western medicine' solutions that are presented by MD's.For allergy elimination, I have personal experience with the BioSET allergy elimination protocol. It uses a combination of energetic desensitization, detoxification and enzyme therapy. You can get more information at

What are the symptoms of allergies and how can they be prevented?

The symptoms of allergies is ichy eyes, puffy around the eyes, sinus flare up, sneezing, running nose, snuffy, stop of mouth ich. Prevention consist of spending less time outside when pollen is high, watch the weeds, cut grass, seeing your doctor for allergy shots,or take over the counter allergy medication if you can, get rid of he dust mites in your home.

Can you use metronidazole cream on your dogs belly for rash from grass allergy?

No, this would be very bad. First metronidazole cream is a yeast infection cream - it has an anti-fungal medication in it that will do nothing to clear up an allergic rash and could make the rash worse. Second, metronidazole cream is formulated in a lotion base that it not safe for eating; however, your dog can easily lick the cream off the irritated portion of his belly and could have severe reactions to that medication. Third, it is pretty unusual for a dog to have a specific rash from grass just on his belly - most dogs run around, jump, bounce and roll on the grass when they finallly get out in the spring. It is more likely the rash is a skin infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics from your veterinarian.

Your Westie dog chews her feet until they are too sore to walk what could be the problem?

Pollen/grass/mold/other allergy (atopy), food allergy, maybe flea allergy. It could just be grass seeds, stuck between their paws. Mine does that sometimes, too. But she doesn't chew it all up!! She licks it and bites a little and then stops. Also, it could be thistles or this: my breeder told me I should check every month or two my westie's paws and cut the fur between her "fingers". He also told me if I don't do this, I may see my dog biting her paws. These may be the reasons. If none of this helps, call a veterinarian IMMIDIATELY!

What is an allergy to grass and weeds?

it is called hay fever, seasonal rhinitis, or polinosis

Dog walking backwards panting heavy seems sensitive to touch on back area lays in grass. what could these sympytoms be?

These symptoms could be any number of things. It sounds like he could be in pain. It is best to contact your vet.

My Alaskan malmute is losing his tail hair why?

probably from fleas or even a allergy to grass or something in his food call vet

Why does your one year old dog have green slime leaking from his penis?

He could have a urinary tract infection or he might have a grass seed in his prepuce. It might be an idea to get him checked out by a veterinarian.