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No, guinea pigs are complex animals. They will run away, that's just what they do.

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Q: Your guinea pig runs away from you inside his cage is that a bad thing?
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Related questions

Where is the best place to put a guinea pigs cage?

inside away from a window. I hoped I helped you!

Do guinea pigs like or dislike there cage?

Depends on the Guinea Pig - also on the cage. I keep my guinea pigs in an open-bottomed cage.

Do guinea pigs have the same cage as a hamster?

No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.

How can you get a guinea pig active if he is so attracted to his cage?

get him run in those wheel things inside the cage. once he gets used to that, then put his favorite food on the ground and let him out of his cage to get it.

Where is a good place to buy a guinea pig cage?

a great place to get a guinea pig cage is probably Amazon or Craigslist.

What should you use to stop earwigs getting in and nesting in your guinea pig's outside cage which will not harm him?

You should not keep the cage outside anyway. I suggest getting a new cage and keeping it inside. It may be cold for your guinea pig outside. If you didn't keep the cage outside earwigs would not have got to it.

What is the best thing for a guinea pigs cage if you have cats?

A C&C cage is always best, look it up on Google, they can also be easily cat-proofed.

When adult guinea pigs have baby guinea pigs do you touch them straight away?

No, you should not touch them right away. Wait for a few days (a week or so) and let them get use to their cage and their parents. Then pick them up.

Should you get a small cage for your guinea pig or a big cage?

If i were you i would get a big cage so the guinea pig can run around Good luck with your piggie I have a big cage that holds 2 guinea pigs and they chase each other around the whole cage!!!

Guinea pig and I keep it in my garage with a cover over it's cage will that keep a draft out?

If the cage has wire walls it should stay inside. The reason why you can't just cover up the wire walls is that, even if the cage is spot cleaned daily, the gases from the urine and droppings will build up if the cage is not ventilated and will make the Guinea Pig sick. The cage will need ventilation, and car fumes may get into the cage from the cars in a garage (Which is also bad for your piggy) if there are openings in the cage. I don't recommend keeping it in the garage whether it has wire walls or not, and I personally think it would be best to keep it inside. I hope this answers your question.

What size should a guinea pig cage be?

For two guinea pigs you need at least 7.5 feet of cage.

What if your guinea pigs live in a cage outside. Now you find there are two RATS that come to the cage at night looking for food. Willl they hurt your piggies. What can you do to stop them?

First of all, guinea pigs shouldn't really live outside because it makes their life shorter, so if i were you i would just buy a indoor guinea pig cage and bring it inside so there will be no more rats!