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Clean your hamsters cage at least every week if not every 3 - 4 days. Another thing you can do is buy fragrence smell its pretty cheap ($3 - $5 dollars) and it will help your hamster.


My brothers hamster

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It depends on the food you are feeding, if you are feeding it food with acid in it, STOP!

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13y ago

maybe...i think it depends on what you feed them

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13y ago

Um check your literature buddy.

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Q: Your hamster has a fishy smell bum was smelly bit brown?
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Why does my hamster's urine smell fishy?

Urine can tell a person what is wrong with them, or what is going on with their body. The same applies to animals, if a hamsters urine smells fishy, it maybe due to an increase of protein in their diet.

What kind of hamster food gets the urine not smelly?

None. Hamster food is packed with nutrients and vitamins. It is when these are processed through the body that they create that smell.

Can you give me a sentence for fishy?

You smell fishy.

Is smelly fish bad?

Yes, the smell of fish can indicate whether it is fresh or not. Fresh fish typically does not have a strong fishy smell. If fish has a strong, unpleasant odor, it may be a sign that it is not fresh and could be spoiled. It's important to use your senses - including smell - to determine if fish is safe to eat.

Is it normal for a circumcised penis to smell fishy?

No it is not normal for any penis to smell fishy, Circumcised or not, simple daily cleaning even with just clear water, should prevent any "fishy smell."

Why do lemons cut the fishy smell?

the citric acid in the lemon neutralizes the fish oils thus breaking down the power of the fishy smell

How do dwarfs smell bad?

I have one. It's not the hamster. It's the cage. The smell of wood chips, urine and poop don't smell too good. But it's far from intolerable. As long as you keep the cage nice and clean, you won't have a smelly hamster. Hamsters, guinea pigs anything like that doesn't like to live in a dirty cage.

Why does your salt water pool smelly fishy?

To most accurately answer your question, more information is needed. It is nothing unusual for a perfectly healthy salt water tank to smell fishy. However, if you have things in the water that are actively dying, that would also explain the smell. Do regular water changes and as long as things are alive and well and the nitrate levels are in order, you're in good shape.

Can you give me an example of the adjective smell?

Smelly is an adjective. Their house is smelly.

Why are Indians so smelly?


Why are my brother's feet smelly?

yes, they smell, they smell bad

What is to be smelly?

That you don't smell good.:)