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no u shouldn't gie otniqgfi;quas

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Q: Your hamster just had babies and you were told to give it raw hamburger and milk Is this true?
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Your hamster just had babies and her nipples are all dry what should you do?

... You touch your hamsters nipples!? ... O_o I suppose just give your hamster lots of water so she can produce more milk for her babies

What type of milk does hamster babies drink?

they drink milk from there mothers otherwise just give them water

Can you Make hamster have babies?

No. You cant make a hamster have babies because it must have a male hamster with a girl hamster and the male hamster might not get the girl pregnant so just roll with it.

How do I feed and give water to my hamster after she has her babies?

You haev to put plenty of food and water for the mother and babies. Just try to put it as far from the babies/nest as possible, and do it as fast as you can.

Can a teddy bear hamster an a Syrian hamster have babies together?

yes any domestic hamster can hv babies together just make sure the babies hv good homes

What should you do after your hamster has just delivered babies?

kill them

How soon after the hamster has given birth can you clean the house with the babies in?

Once the babies have become independent and are not feeding off the mother. If you handle the babies or put your scent in the cage before this time, the mother will eat the babies.

Your hamster just had 2 babies can there still be more babies inside of her yet?

Most definitely. It depends on the type of hamster but it can have anywhere from 1-13 youngins.

Can someone give you tips about your hamster possibly being pregnant ANYTHING?

you can tall by felling there stomacch if they are pregnet it is hard and they keep getting bigger .my hamster just had her babies 7 days ago my hamster's stomach has gotten bigger for sure, but not hard.... what does that mean?

What happens if you drop your hamster when she pregnant?

nothing should effect the pregnancy of the hamster. the babies will come out and be just fine but don't touch the babies until they have fur or the mother will kill them

My hamster just had babies and I heard that she is going to have another litter in 13 days is that true?


What kind of nutrious food do you give your hamster that just had babies?

In the first couple of weeks they will nurse but when there ready they will eat regular hamster food.