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you have the flu

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Q: Your hands and feet are always ice cold my arms feel extremely heavy and sometimes your hands and feet turn purple What does this mean?
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Does zucchini make your hands turn purple?


What is the better colour aqua or purple?

Purple.No question,hands-down the best color is purple

Can fungus harm you?

sometimes but its always best to wash your hands after you handle it it's a living plant you don't know were it will grow.

What to do if your finger an purple?

wash your hands in warm water :) also keep your hands warm. if this doesn't help then go to your doctor :) Your fingers usually go purple if they are cold!

What causes purple colour tingling and numbness to hands?


What causes your left hand to turn purple?

Lack of circulation causes your hands to turn purple. Often times, cigarette smokers' hands turn purple in the cold. I know this, because I am a cigarette smoker and my circulation is horrible due to the nerve endings being damaged from the chemicals in the cigarettes. Also, I take adderal in quite the abundance (approximately 400 mg in a day) and I always notice the day after that both of my arms will turn purple and my hands will also be purple and clammy. That's because the amphetamines pinch off your nerve endings reducing the circulation. There are many factors that can account for purple body parts, you just need to keep an eye on what you are putting into your body and make sure you're taking the amounts you're supposed to. Because, let's be completely honest, purple hands are beyond unattractive.

Why do you have purple hands?

Yes...yes I do. And I have a Matching unicorn. (His name is Herbert.)

Why do girl always puts their hands on their chest?

Well all girls are different ? but any ways that means that they want you to hug them. it doesn't always means that they want a hug but sometimes they do want one!

What are the side affects of consuming gold?

Dirty hands when picking up the goloden turd or an extremely bad feeling when flushing! Dirty hands when picking up the goloden turd or an extremely bad feeling when flushing! Dirty hands when picking up the goloden turd or an extremely bad feeling when flushing!

How do you eat ribs?

you pick it up with your hands, and always have a napkin with you! :)

Why are Prince and Paris is always holding each others hands?

Because they are close and probably a bit scared sometimes so they lean on each other for support.

Why do pineapple pickers wear gloves?

Pineapples have quite prickly and rough skins. Your hands would get extremely sore when constantly handling them. Also, the pineapples are sometimes harvested by cutting them, and so the gloves protect from cuts as well. there is also a lot of acid in the plant itself