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The word biphobia is a noun. It is an antipathy towards bisexuals.

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The word biphobia is a noun. It is an antipathy towards bisexuals.

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Bi Visibility Day, also known as International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, has been marked each year since 1999 to highlight biphobia, every September 23.

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I think Brokeback Mountain is about 2 cowboys named Ennis (heath ledger) and i think Jack (idk). People said it was about them being gay. but i wouldn't think heath ledger would play a role as a gay cowboy but i guess he did. :(


aargh! it's not a gay movie!Brokeback Mountain is a not a movie about gay people, and there are no gay people in it. There. I said it. Despite what you may have read in the many reviews that have come out about this new cowboy feature film, Brokeback Mountain is a bisexual picture. Why can't film reviewers say the word 'bisexual' when they see lead characters with sexual and romantic relationships with both men and women? I am unaware of a single review of Brokeback calling the leads what they are-a sad statement on the invisibility of bisexual experience and the level of biphobia">biphobia" class='external' title="biphobia; in both the mainstream and gay media.-Amy Andre

No, you have it all completely wrong except for the first response. Jack and Ennis have an affair over a long duration of time despite the fact they have wives. It goes rock bottom after Ennis' wife wittnesses them making out. Jack dies in the end and Ennis moves into a trailer. I believe the moral of the story is not to be bisexual in a marriage because it will not end well. It was not really romantic because people didn't really get along in the movie.

The movie was about a clown who broke his back on a mountain after flying and falling off a unicorn. Jack and Ennis watched it and ate the clown because they were stranded. Hope that helped. No one was being gay.

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Yes, it's called biphobia. It's similar to homophobia, but focuses on bisexuality.

Also, in general, if something exists, there's probably a phobia of it. What you're more likely to see, though, is bi-ignorance -- straight people who "just don't get it" and gay people who say things like, "You're just gay and afraid to admit it."

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There are several different types of discrimination. These include ...

RacialDiscrimination based on someone's country of origin, the colour of their skin or the culture they were brought up in. HomophobicDiscrimination based on one's sexual orientation, considering them lesser beings because they are gay (homophobia,) lesbian (lesbophobia,) bisexual (biphobia,) or pansexual (panphobia.) SexistDiscrimination based on one's gender. This is not seen as often in the 21st century, but is still prevalent in some cultures. It tends to mostly affect women when it happens, but is not limited to thus, and can include men. HobbiesOften, people are discriminated based on the activities they enjoy, for instance, online role-playing games which are stereotypically viewed as "nerdy" or "geeky". This is not limited to the internet, and can include practical hobbies such as playing with trains, or collecting stamps, these are sometimes frowned upon.

An aside:

Discrimination is often thought to be entirely a negative activity however it has its positive aspects and applications. In the extreme case, we all tend to avoid (discriminate against) strangers walking through town with a running chainsaw and parts of dogs slung over their backs. In lesser cases we avoid individuals that may harm us, who we owe money to, and who othewise would reduce our quiet enjoyment of life. Similarly employers avoid hiring individulas that have a history of poor work habits or who are otherwise unsuited for the partiuclat job (for real reasons)

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