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The Man from U-N-C-L-E- - 1964 The Quadripartite Affair 1-3 was released on:

USA: 6 October 1964

Mexico: 18 November 1965

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The Man from U-N-C-L-E- - 1964 The Quadripartite Affair 1-3 was released on:

USA: 6 October 1964

Mexico: 18 November 1965

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The long-term effect of Battle of Berlin was the division of this town. West Berlin was defined by the

quadripartite agreement on West Berlin and the East Berlin was the capital of German Democratic Republic.

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No, West Berlin was a separate political entity to and NOT part of West Germany as a result of its special status following the Second World War and as confirmed in the Quadripartite Agreement of 3 September 1971.

The occupation of most of Germany ended in 1949 with the declaration of the Federal Republic of Germany (23 May 1949) and the German Democratic Republic (7 October 1949). Due, however, to its particular status, the occupation of Berlin could only be ended by a quadripartite agreement, therefore Berlin remained an occupied territory under the formal sovereignty of the allies. As a result of this, the Grundgesetz (Basic Law, the constitution of the Federal Republic) was not applicable to West Berlin. In addition, West German federal law did not apply to West Berlin. As a result, the West Berlin legislature, dasAbgeordnetenhaus von Berlin would simply vote in every new federal law without debate to maintain legal status with West Germany.

As the Western Allies remained the ultimate political authorities in West Berlin, all legislation of the "Abgeordnetenhaus", both domestic law and the adopted federal law, only applied under the proviso of the confirmation by the three Western Allied commanders-in-chief. If they approved a bill, it was enacted as part of West Berlin's statutory law. If the commanders-in-chief rejected a bill, it did not become law in West Berlin. One such law was the law on conscription to the German military, which as a result of its rejection by the allies, West Berlin males were exempt from.

West Berlin was run by the elected Governing Mayor(Regierender Bürgermeister) and the Senate of Berlin (city government). Both the Governing Mayor and Senators (ministers) had to be approved by the Western Allies and thus ultimately derived their authority from the occupying forces, not from their electoral mandate.

West Berlin politicians took part as observers only in sessions of the Bundestag and Bundesrat and had no right to vote in parliamentary decisions, although they did have full voting rights in the Bundesversammlung, which elected the German president.

West Berlin was, however, represented internationally by West Germany.

West German legal opinion did not share the Western powers' legal interpretation of West Berlin's status and the Bundesverfassungsgerricht (Federal Constitutional Court)ruled:

"Das Grundgesetz gilt grundsätzlich auch in Berlin; Berlin ist trotz des Vorbehalts der Besatzungsmächte ein Land der Bundesrepublik Deutschland."

"The Basic Law also applies fundamentally in Berlin. Berlin is despite the reservations/restrictions of the occupying powers a state of the Federal Republic of Germany."

The goals of the Quadripartite Agreement were:

  • Continuation of the authority of the four-power authority for Berlin
  • Long-term guarantees for West Berlin
  • Guaranteed routes to and from West Berlin
  • Improvements for the inhabitants of West Berlin

The Agreement specifically adressed:

  • Responsibilities and rights of the four powers in Berlin
  • Change in the status of Berlin only possible with the agreement of all four powers
  • Soviet guarantee to maintain supply routes
  • Confirmation of the special relationship between West Berlin and West Germany but NOT as a political entity of West Germany.
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