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there are layers of soft tissue?

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there are layers of soft tissue?

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Soft tissue prominence is the growth of soft tissue that is undefined. Such tissue is not related to the structure of the body or a normal organ.

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Soft tissue is anything that's not hard tissue, i.e. bone.

So soft tissue damage includes bruises, stab wounds, gun shots, burns etc. SO yes, soft tissue damage is painful.

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The reason that brain tissue is soft is because that is how God the creator chose to design it. Brain tissue is soft because it has the skull to protect it.

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Mesenteric and omental soft tissue nodules could have a number of causes, usually metastatic cancer. In a patient with a known soft tissue sarcoma elsewhere in the body, this finding would likely represent metastases from this sarcoma. If the patient did not have a history of soft tissue sarcoma, this finding could be several things, and soft tissue sarcome would not be at the top of my list.

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