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Tempered glass can be laminated, but laminated glass cannot be tempered.

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Tempered glass can be laminated, but laminated glass cannot be tempered.

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Herculite tempered glass is a type of tempered glass that has been processed to increase its strength and safety. Herculite tempered safety glass is a specific brand of tempered safety glass known for its durability and resistance to impact. The main difference is that Herculite tempered safety glass is a branded version of tempered safety glass, possibly with additional features or specifications.

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Laminated glass and tempered glass are not necessarily the same thing. Tempered glass cannot be drilled, but untempered laminated glass could (probably) be drilled. Holes in tempered glass are drilled before tempering.

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Tempering is the process to add properties to the raw glass and to make it Standard or Toughened. If tempered (Heated) and cooled slowly, it becomes standard glass on the other hand if tempered and cooled rapidly, it gains different properties and becomes tough or is called toughened glass.

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You can not cut tempered glass because once a piece is broken the whole glass shatters. Tempered glass is safer because it breaks into tiny pieces rather than sharp edges like regular glass. The only way to tell if a glass is tempered is to break the glass or use a polarizer to detect stress waves. You will see stress waves in tempered glass verses regular glass. Hope this helps.

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