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Mass is the measured inertia of the physical stuff that makes up the material body which is the matter of the object. Matter is the host and possessor of all the quantitative and qualitative properties that the material body has. What essentially matter is we do not know--we do not know what makes a quark or a photon or even what gives matter its properties. Mass is said to be energy but inertia is not energy. If mass is energy then it is the entire body of the matter that is being called the mass or amount of matter and this is the source of the energy.. When one says that mass is a property of matter this generates all sorts of responses. The whole notion of mass is confusing to say the least. I believe all these answers are correct As defined in high-shool physics (granted, many years ago), Matter is material that may be readily measured and assigned values, such as length, width, hight, weight etc. Mass, on the other hand is a property of a thing being measured, not to be confused with an actual item, such as a block of lead or bottle of helium.

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Q: 'What is difference between 'mass' and 'matter' in English?
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The difference between inertia and mass is that inertia is the resistance to move. And mass is the amount of matter that something is made of.

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Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Volume the amount of space an object has.

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They are related, sort of. Mass is a measurement of the amount of matter - density is a measurement of the amount of matter in a given amount of space.

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Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. Weight is the effect of the force of gravity on the mass of an object.

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Mass is a measure of how much matter an object has. Weight is a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on that matter.

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Everything in the universe is made up of matter - anything that has a mass and takes up space. Matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms.

What is the difference between measuring mass and weight?

Mass is the amount of matter or molecules that a specific object is composed of. Weight is the measure of gravity's pull on you. Does this help answer your question?

How do you explain the difference between mass and weight?

The mass of an object tells how much matter is present in the object. The weight tells how strongly gravity pulls it down.

What is the difference between the astronaut's mass on the earth and on the moon?

There is no difference in an astronaut's mass no matter where he or she might be. Mass is a constant, as opposed to weight which is dependent upon acceleration.None.Put simply. Mass is a measurement of how much matter is in an object, whereas weight is a measurement of how hard gravity is pulling on that object. As their is less gravity on the moon, your weight would be different, your mass would not.

What is the difference between a person's weight on the earth and on the moon?

The difference between a person's weight on the earth and on the moon has to due with the difference between mass and weight. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter and weight is the pull of gravity on that mass. Gravity on the moon is about 83% that on earth, so if you weigh 100 lbs on earth, you will weigh approximately 17 lbs on the moon.


Well, in one instance matter is the atoms making up every object on Earth and beyond it, measured by mass, volume, and density. In another instance, things that matter are things that are important. There is a large difference between the meaning of the words.