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Q: . When Mendel crossed purebred short plants with purebred tall plants?
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When Gregor Mendel crossed purebred short plants with purebred tall plants all of the offspring were?


When Mendel crossed purebred short plants with purebred tall plants all of the offspring were?

I think not as tall is the dominant allele here.T = tallt = shortTT X ttall would beTt======and tall.

What result did Mendel get in F1 generation when he crossed purebred tall plants with purebred short plants?

When Mendel crossed two hybrid plants for stem height, three fourths of the F1 plants always had tall stems. One fourth of the plants had short stems.Mendel always got a dazzling and great result. It was always 3/4 that were tall and 1/4 that were short

What were gregor Mendel's experiment's?

i believe his results were that after cross pollinating to non-purebred pea plants, the offspring were all tall like the female,and when he crossed the other two, he received three tall pea plants and one short

Purebread tall plants are crossed with what plants?

Purebred tall plants can be crossed with purebred short plants to produce hybrid offspring with intermediate heights. This type of cross is an example of an incomplete dominance inheritance pattern where the traits from both parent plants are partially expressed in the offspring.

What happened when mendell crossed pusrebred tall pea plants with purebred short pea plants?

he got tall pea plants that were heterozygotes

When Mendel crossed two hybrid plants for stem height what result did he always?

When Mendel crossed two hybrid plants for stem height, three fourths of the F1 plants always had tall stems. One fourth of the plants had short stems.Mendel always got a dazzling and great result. It was always 3/4 that were tall and 1/4 that were short

What happened when Gregor Mendel crossed a tall plant with a short plant?

Gregor Mendel discovered that when he crossed a tall plant with a short plant, all the resulting offspring were tall. This indicated that the trait for tallness was dominant over the trait for shortness.

What did mendel perform when he crossed plants that were heterozygous for two traits?

When Mendel crossed a true-breeding short plant with a true-breeding tall plant, all the offspring were tall. Which term describes the gene for tallness?

Why did Mendel get when he crossed a tall and short pea plant?

what Mendel got is two tall plants, im guessing i got that from a science book so

What do Gregor Mendel's peas have to do with the study of the heredity?

Mendel did his experiments by using pea plants with various traits like the color of the flower, the shape of the seeds, the height of the plants etc and studied how those traits behave when crossed. For example, what happens when a short plant with red color flowers was crossed with a tall plant with purple colored flower etc.

What is the basis for law?

Mendel first described what is called genetics. He used sweet peas and crossed pure bred plants. For example, he crossed short pure bred (recessive) with tall pure bred plants (dominant). If tall is dominant, all plants would be tall. Crossing these hybrid plants would give a ratio of 3 tall to 1 short. This is the basis from which all studies of genes come from.