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Q: 1.3Explain ways in which personnel requirements are expressed in job descriptions and persons specifications?
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Observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers are called-?

Observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers are called qualitative observations.

What is observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers?

Qualitative data

What are observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers?

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Observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers are called?


What is an observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers?

observation without numerical values are qualatative with numbers is quantatative

What are Service Level Requirements?

The needs of the business, expressed in terms the business understands, are documented as Service Level Requirements (SLRs), which contain a definition of the services the customers need, including key performance and availability targets. The SLRs will be translated by the IT service provider into Service Specifications, which define how the IT provider will make the services available, including the use of third-party providers.

Observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers?

that apple is red (includes no numbers at all and it describes an apple which is an observation)

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Data that can't be expressed in numbers is called qualitative data, which includes descriptions and observations. Color, texture, emotions, and shape are examples of qualitative data.

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I have studied thousands of deeds and I am not aware of any rule that deed descriptions must be described backwards. In my experience, descriptions are expressed in a number of ways. Looking at the property sketch or survey, some deeds describe the abutters clockwise and some counterclockwise. The same applies to descriptions with courses and distances. In some cases the abutters are described out of order; first north then south then east then west!

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