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Q: 11. How long must a cheetah rest before eating its kill?
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How often does a cheetah wash itself?

Cats wash themselves very often. A Cheetah would definitely was after a kill or after eating.

Can a cheetah kill a cheetah in a fight?


Do parasites capture and kill their prey before eating it?


What are cheetah poachers?

People who kidnap or kill cheetah illegally.

Can a king cheetah kill a leopard?

A leopard can kill a cheetah but the leopard will have injuries.But a King Ceetah will kill a leopard to defend it's territory

Why do you have to kill the sea animal before eating it?

It might hurt you

Can honey badger kill a cheetah?

If a honey badger can give a lion nasty wounds, it can probably kill a cheetah.

Can a king cheetah kill a tiger?

a king cheetah goes realy fast so they both have chances

Can a female cheetah kill a lion?


How does the cheetah learn to survive?

The female cheetah teaches her offspring how to hunt and kill prey, what animals to kill and how to avoid predators.

Who hunt a cheetah?

Lions, leopards and hyenas will hunt and kill cheetah cubs.

Can a lion kill a cheetah?

YES because a lion is bigger than a cheetah. a cheetah in just fast and that why the lions are king of jungle