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Probably has a cracked block, too :(

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Q: 1996 somoma replaced cracked head and new head gasket..still blows antifreeze out tailpipe?
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98 buick lesabre keeps losing antifreeze an blows white smoke from tailpipe?

Most likely a cracked intake manifold.

What would cause a Ford crown Victoria 4.6L police interceptor 1995 model to blow antifreeze out of the tailpipe and not run at all?

A cracked engine block

What cause a droning noise when driving and appears to be coming from somewhere around the carburetor and Muffler and tailpipe have been replaced?

leaking or cracked manifold

Can antifreeze coming fom the tailpipe be a cracked head instead of just a blown head gasket?

It is possible, but not likely. You have to pull the head to fix the gasket anyway. Check it for cracks before you reassemble.

You have white smoke coming out of the tailpipe and antifreeze coming out of the manifold?

Think you may have bad head gasket, seal or cracked head. Water is getting into your engine which usually causes white smoke. Also leaking antifreeze is from these same causes. Hope this helps. Ken

You had a pressure test on your car and the radiator and all hoses were replaced however its still leaking antifreeze?

Possible cracked block or a blown head gaskets.

Why is oil in a cars antifreeze?

cracked head

What would cause white smoke to come out of tailpipe?

Head gasket or cracked head

Cracked head gasket symptoms?

Steam (White Smoke) coming from the tailpipe is the #1 indicator.

Why is there antifreeze in one of the cylinders of your 1960 Oldsmobile?

Blown head gasket, cracked head, or cracked block.

Why is there antifreeze in the oil?

Blown head gasket or cracked head.

You have antifreeze in your oil?

cracked head or blown head gasket