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Q: 1 NADH is equal to how many ATP molecules?
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Related questions

What energy-carrierz molecules are produced by glycolysis?

Nadh and ATP

How many net molecules of ATP are produced during glycosis?

Glycolysis produces 4 ATP's and 2 NADH, but uses 2 ATP's in the process for a net of 2 ATP and 2 NADH

What stage of cellular respiration yields to the most ATP?

NADH. In oxidative phosphorylation, for every NADH, around 2.5 ATP molecules are made, and for every FADH2 about 1.5 ATP molecules are made.

How many ATP molecules are formed for each fadh2 and nadh?

FADH2 allows for the formation of 2 molecules of ATP during the Kreb's cycle.

Products of glycolysis?

The products of glycolysis are 2 molecules of pyruvate, 2 molecules of ATP, 2 molecules of NADH, and 2 molecules of water.

What produces NADH ATP and two pryuvate molecules?

Glycolysis, the first stage of cellular respiration, produces 2 NADH molecules, 4 ATP molecules (net gain of 2 ATP after subtracting the energy used), and two pyruvate molecules from one molecule of glucose.

What energy-carriers molecules are produced by glycolysis?


What energy carrier molecules are produce by glycolysis?


Glycolysis results in the production of?

Generally when asked what is produced in glycolysis, they are refering to the 2 ATP molecules. However, other molecules and ions are also produced. Glucose along with 2 NAD+ , 2 ADP , and 2 Phospate is turned into 2 NADH, 2 H+, 2 ATP + 2 H2O ... in case you were wondering this happens the same way in aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis.

What is the energy of the electrons passing along the etc used to make?

ATP molecules

What are two molecules that carry energy in biochemical pathways?


What are the three major products of glycolysis?

2 NADH, 2 ATP, and 2 water molecules. 2 Hydrogen is also produced.