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There are 0.00012959782 kg of body weight in a single calorie. To lose one kg of body weight, just over 7700 calories must be burned.

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Q: 1 calorie equals how many kg of body weight?
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How many calorie does human being need?

2200-3200 to maintain average body weight.

What are the Negative consequences of mismatching calorie intake with physical activity?

Im not exactly sure what you mean, but the forever standing equation of weight loss weight gain is : Calorie intake - Physical activity = weight loss or weight gain. The more calories you consume the more weight you will gain. one pound of fat equals 3500 calories. If your goal is to loose weight, you can figure out how many calories your body needs from a calorie counter website such as where you can record your weight and daily exercise and it will give you the amount of calories needed to loose weight, gain weight and/ or sustain your current weight. 75-80 % of weight loss is calorie intake and 20-25% is exercise.

How many calories does it take to maintain a weight of 195?

Maintaing a certain weight, regardless of that weight, is about balancing your calorie intake with your calorie expenditure. If you expend as many calories as you eat, you will maintain your weight.

How Using a Calorie Calculator Can Increase Weight Loss?

Most people that are dieting know that to lose weight, you should take in less calories than your body uses on a daily basis. Yet, you cannot restrict your calories too much or you can actually impede weight loss. In order to determine exactly how many calories you need to eat for optimum weight loss, you can use a calorie calculator. A calorie calculator will take your current weight and activity level and figure how many calories you need to consume per day to maintain your current weight or to lose weight at a healthy rate.

What causes body fat?

Body fat is caused by the basic calorie in-calorie out process. If you are taking in too many calories and not exercising, your body will hold onto fat.

A Fine Line Between Low Calorie and No Calorie?

Losing weight can be a difficult task, but this does not mean that a person should be determined to minimize thier calorie intake too significantly. There is one mathematical way that a person can ensure that he or she is partaking in a healthy low-calorie diet. First weigh yourself, then measure parts of your body such as waste, and hips; this will help to determine your BMI, or Body Mass Index. Once this is achieved, it is easy to calculate how many calories a week one should have in order to lose a certain amount of weight per week.

How many weight watchers points in 100 calorie right bites?

one point

How many pounds will you lose if you eat beef?

A calorie is a calorie, no matter what source you get it from. That is, if you consume more calories than you burn, then you will gain weight; if you consume less calories than you burn, then you will lose weight.

Calorie intake for 12 yr old girl weighing 116 lb?

The exact calorie intake is hard to determine, as it relies on many factors, like age, gender, weight, height, body type, body mass, activity level, and a few others. On average, though, about 1,100 to 1,300 calories a day.

How can you increase your calorie intake after your diet?

Okay so i was trying to lose weight so i was on about a 1,200 calorie diet now i have met the weight that i like. How do i increase my calories back up to a healthy amount to maintain my weight and stop losing. I'm worried if i just increase my calories im going to start gaining back weight bec my body isn't used to consuming that many calories PLEASE HELP!

Is a low-calorie diet effective for weight loss and if so how should you go about it?

While a low calorie diet is effective for weight loss, you should combine your diet program with a workout program. To lose weight, you should eat less calories than you burn, so your body burns excess calories. However, be careful not to overdo it. You should not try to lose more than 2 pounds per week, which is considered a sustainable rate. To start a low-calorie diet, use a menu planner with a calorie counter. With a menu planner, you can choose your meals and shows you how many calories you eat with your meals and how many you need to eat daily to reach your target weight.

What does daily calorie consumption mean?

Daily calorie consumption generally refers to how many calories in one day your body needs to carry out normal bodily functions. Your body uses calories whether you are active or not. Depending on your height and weight determines how many calories your body needs each day. People who are overweight need more calories to maintain their lives than people who are not overweight. Same holds true for people who are very active physically (needing more calories to burn), than those who are sedentary (not needing as many calories). If you are looking at this from a losing weight standpoint, daily calorie consumption can also mean how many calories are needed to sustain life and at the same time allow someone to lose weight safely. You can find out how much you need each day calorie wise through having a Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) test done. From there, you can determine how many calories can be reduced safely to lose weight, usually 1-2 lbs. per week.