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You should consult a cardiologist and arrhythmia specialist to determine what's causing such a high resting heart rate. Normal resting heart rates should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Your fast heart rate could be a sign of a heart condition that could be monitored or cured. I am no doctor, nor have I seen an ekg of your heart, but it is possible there is a remedy for your condition. At one point I too had a resting heart rate of 200 bpm. I was diagnosed with SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia). The condition is non-life threatening but quite a nuisance and can become a problem the older one gets. I was given the option of taking medication (at 25, I did not want to be on pills for the rest of my life), or having a procedure called cardiac ablation. I opted for the ablation and was cured of my condition. I have not had a rapid heart beat since my surgery 8 months ago. Previously, I had it nearly every day. I must reiterate, I am not a doctor and I suggest you consult a cardiologist to determine what's best for you.

I ain't in expert in Heart rates but i do know that is very high and indicates a problem. I would really suggest you went to the docs and got your self checked out. I am 26 years old and my resting heart rate is about 60 bpm. When i am excersing (rowing and cycling) it goes up to about 156 0r 178 bpm depending on how long i continue to push my self. When you have read this email, make an appointment with your doctor.

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Q: 29 year old. resting heart rate is over 200 at times?
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70; decreases ---------------------------_@@@@@@@_ --------------------------@___________@ -----------------------@_@________@__@ ---------------------@___@______@____@ -------------------@_____@____@______@ -------------------@______@__@_______@ -------------------@_______@@________@ -------------------@________@________@ --------------------@_______@________@ ---------------------@______@________@ ----------------------@_____@_______@ -----------------------_@@@@@@@@@_ -----------------------------APEX =)

Research shows that adults with a resting heart rate over beats per minute have a greater risk of heart attack. A person's resting heart rate typically with age?

70; decreases ---------------------------_@@@@@@@_ --------------------------@___________@ -----------------------@_@________@__@ ---------------------@___@______@____@ -------------------@_____@____@______@ -------------------@______@__@_______@ -------------------@_______@@________@ -------------------@________@________@ --------------------@_______@________@ ---------------------@______@________@ ----------------------@_____@_______@ -----------------------_@@@@@@@@@_ -----------------------------APEX =)

Research shows that adults with a resting heart rate over beats per minute have a greater risk of heart attack. A person's resting heart rate typically with age.?

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Research shows that adults with a resting heart rate over beats per minute have a greater risk of heart attack A person's resting heart rate typically with age?

70; decreases ---------------------------_@@@@@@@_ --------------------------@___________@ -----------------------@_@________@__@ ---------------------@___@______@____@ -------------------@_____@____@______@ -------------------@______@__@_______@ -------------------@_______@@________@ -------------------@________@________@ --------------------@_______@________@ ---------------------@______@________@ ----------------------@_____@_______@ -----------------------_@@@@@@@@@_ -----------------------------APEX =)

What is RHR?

Resting heart rate-how many times your heart beats in a minute when you are lying down and inactive.

Is a resting heart rate of 100 normal?

I actually went to the dr yesterday and my resting heart rate was over 100. That is not normal and she recommended that I have my thyroid checked. You definitely need to see a dr if you have a high heart rate.

The resting heart rate is fastest in adult life?

is the resting heart rate is fastest in adult life

Normal resting heart rate for 45 year old male?

Resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute when it's at rest. The best time to find your resting heart rate is in the morning after a good night's sleep and before you get out of bed. The average resting heart rate for an adult is 60-80 beats per minute. However, for people who are physically fit, it's generally lower. Also, resting heart rate usually rises with age. - From the American Heart Association.

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The ability of the heart to recover after strenuous exercise. There is not really a rate because it is the ability of the heart to go from a workout pulse rate that may be two to three times higher than the resting, to the resting rate. Hope this helps. <><