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When you have a period, your body is getting rid of the tissue meant to support an egg. So 2 heavy periods, you were probably never pregnant. With 4 negative urine tests, believe the tests, not your hopes.

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Q: 2 heavy periods 4 neg preg tests is it still possible to be pregnant?
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I'm pregnant and still having periods is that possible?

It is uncommon, but possible.

S it possible to still be pregnant if i have gotten my period i am experiencing heavy blood flow how can i know if im pregnant or not?

I have had 5 pregnancies and with 3 of them I had bleeding, one of them I had 3 regular periods in the first 20 weeks with spotting. so its very possible to be pregnant and still have your periods. the only way to find out if youre pregnant is to be tested, either a home pregnancy test or a blood test (which would be the most reliable) Goodluck

Can you get two normal heavy periods each within 28 days of one another and have no symptoms for ten weeks and still be pregnant?

No. Two normal heavy periods and no symptoms of pregnancy sound like your definitely not pregnant.

You had a period but Im still pregnant?

not possible, you either get your periods or you are pregnant (you don't get periods anymore through out pregnancy)

Can you still be pregnant if you are on your period?

yes, its possible that you can be if your periods has always been irregular they often still longer if you but that's how you know.

You had pain on the left side of the stomach but you got your periods can you still be pregnant?

yes, but it isn't as likely. there is a very slim chance to be pregnant and still have your periods. but it is still possible, you might want to take a home pregnancy test. just to be on the safe side.

Can you still be pregnant if you have a very light period with no cramping but nausea and light headedness?

Yes, it is very common for some females to still have periods while in the first trimester of their pregnancy. Though if it gets very heavy and painful you should see your doctor due to possible complications and possible miscarriage.

Can you have a baby if you finish your periods?

Yes you can still get pregnant after you periods.

Is it possible to bleed heavily with clots and not lose the baby?

Of course if you are pregnant and still having heavy periods it's always best to discuss this with your doctor. I am not positive on this, but I believe it's still possible you can have the baby. We/our bodies are all a little different - some women have a couple periods after becoming pregnant, some have periods the entire time, while some have spotting. I read somewhere that women who still have periods while pregnant have a 50% chance of losing the baby. I also read that most miscarriages occur within the first trimester. So, unfortunately, if it was me I would not get my hopes up if the pregnancy is early on, and still having periods (just in case of a miscarriage). If you or a friend is experiencing this, I urge you/them to bring this up with a doctor ASAP so they can see what's happening and discuss it with you/your friend.

Can you still start your periods when your pregnant?

yes you can.

What if your on your period but not heavy only spotting can you still get pregnant if he ejactulates in you?

What if your on your period but not heavy only spotting can you still get pregnant if he ejactulates in you?

Your periods are regular but im still not getting pregnant?

You are pregnant when they stop...